
Well Known Member
For three years these kids would come visit me and see my project in the hanger and I would tell them, "Someday, you are gonna fly with me in this thing!". Three years was almost half a lifetime for them! .....Almost three years after my maiden voyage, 250+hours and 250+ logged landings, I finally acquired the clearance that was needed to take on my three oldest Grandchildren for their first ever flight in an airplane this weekend! That's right! First flight ever in Paw Paw's RV7! What a way to be introduced to the world of aviation!



That's really cool Mike. I can't wait to do that with my grandkids (3 girls, one boy) when they are a little older and my RV8 is done. It's interesting that their innocent first reaction to flight is almost the same with all 3 of them. It's probably similar to what we all felt when we first went flying and why we decided to pursue it. If we can each get one child to take up flying, then we've maintained our pilot population. If we can get two, we've doubled it. Your family is the best place to do that. Thanks for posting this.
I hope you are saving money for 3 more airplanes to be built as I suspect you just sealed the deal on future aviators.

Awesome video's and reminds me in life what is important is memories with our friends and family. Everything else can be taken away in seconds.
Good job Mike!

Flew over your house yesterday, the runways are looking pretty good. Might have to drop in there one day.
Great Video!

Well done Mike!! I couldn?t tell who enjoyed it more....you are them! Making Awesome memories!
at last

You have been looking forward to to that event for some time now. Looks like a repeat is in order. Runway looks a little dusty behind your plane on take off. No dust here yet.