Once out of phase 1 I'll make my first flight to Alabama...Birmingham and that little place on the water near Mobile if you are up for a dual flight.

Heck yea! Let's do it.

(Phoenix is still fighting for the passenger seat .. that's where I keep the Lindy :D)

Congratulations on the completion and a successful first flight!
Sweet! She's beautiful. You're going to have even more fun flying her.

And kudos to John. He looked very composed ... for a flyoff. :)

Be sure to come see us on E Apron if you need any help during the Test Phase.
Tom built a nice ship! No squawks to speak of and the engine is just so smooooth. What a great airplane; roomy, nice handling, tons of power. That glass panel though, dang... I felt like a dog watching TV; it took some getting used to with so much info on multiple screens. The dual screen G3X system looks better than the 737NG at my day job! The problem is, now I kinda want a G3X upgrade to my RV-8 panel, but I dunno, it's a lotta coin and my mission doesn't really need it... and I'm used to my 2005 vintage caveman steam gauges. And did I mention the roomy cabin? With that vast bubble canopy, it's sorta like sitting on a big, comfy couch just up in the open sky. Pretty cool...

BTW, like Tom said, the idle speed is a bit high; I normally don't taxi fast as in the video, but I couldn't slow the thing down... we gotta tweak that down just a tad.
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Awesome and congrats. Was a surprise to see the maiden at my home airport KDWH!! Hopefully I'll be down the same path with the -10 next year
Congrats Tom! Hopefully the good mojo from your airplane is in the wing stand I picked up from you the other day.
Fantastic. Great job ? beautiful plane. I'm about 3-4 months behind you. Can't wait! :D:D:D


Longview, Texas

14-A about 85% complete. Finishing Firewall Forward this week.

Arion Lightning LS-1 Flying regularly.

2019 Dues paid.

I survived Sloscosh 2019 and Ripen arrival 2018