
Active Member
Well it took 10 months but I was finally able to pull the trigger on A RV6A built in 1995. The tail number is N89PC. There are 30 pages of builders logs, a complete POH serial numbered for 89PC, complete airframe, engine and propellor logs. I was impressed, especially since I had looked at other RV's without the documentation. The plane flew as advertised with a sustained climb rate of 2,000 FPM for1-2 minutes dropping to 1200-1400 FPM. Wow! I guess I'll need to buy oxygen!
My mission? T go fast safely and...cheaply. Aerobatics? Yes. Formation flying? Yes. Burgers? Yep.
I will post pictures of the plane as soon as I take delivery.

Ron Lem
Another poster here who does pre-buys reminded buyers to be sure the operating limitations are on-board. Hopefully you got those, too.
Congrats. You don't know what a good time you are about to have. I switched to a 6A from my Skyhawk 8 months ago. I couldn't be happier.

Good Luck with it,
Operating Limitations...

Thanks Bob, I have the limitations in the serial numbered POH, but not placarded in the plane. I had my first flight with a CFI for insurance purposes dong approach stalls at altitude and then 4 touch and goes at KVCB. Not like my C150!
The -6 falls off to the left abruptly with some warning in a stall.
On approach, the plane sinks if you pull the power out...
I'm going to do some more flying with Lee from O88 tomorrow.
All this will be done well within non aerobatic parameters...for now!