
Unrepentant fanboy
After about 13 months with almost no activity on my airplane (new job, bought a house, sold a house, moved, got married) I'm finally back in the shop again working on my baby. I didn't realize how much I missed it until I started picking up drawings and blowing the dust off them, and looking at my fuel system again where I left off.

Now I've just gotta finish up the fuel system in the next few weeks so I can cut my canopy before it gets cool, and I'm looking at panel options anticipating that part of the build. Feels great to be back!

Just thought I'd let everyone know I'm not one of those builders that quietly fades off into the sunset only to have a scrap sale 20 years later. This one is gonna fly, and I'll be in the left seat when it does.
Welcome back!

Way to go, Greg! Life happens to all of us. We just have to be persistent and get back in the saddle as soon as we can.
Keep at it Greg. Each time you touch it makes one less thing to do. I don't have many more rivets to set but still quite a bit more to accomplish.
I can sure empathize with you on several levels. I've took some time off to get married and then I switched jobs and decided to go back to school at the same time. I finally came to my senses and decided to postpone the schooling (it was just for my fun) and get back to work on the plane...and it feels great. Last weekend I got the tail feathers installed (and now they're back off to prime a few parts) and last night I had a few non-builder friends over to help me put the wings on. It was astounding how smoothly the job went. In 55 minutes we had both wings on with the hardware store bolts in place. Now it's time to do the plumbing and wiring and finalize my panel. At this point, I am feeling great watching the parts fit together and I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.