Looks good so far Marty. I'm curious on what kind of price they quoted you. I was going to paint mine with the help of a local painter till they changed the regs in our fine state. All body and paint shops are required to use water based paint in the Bay area. I was going to use Jet Glo but the new regs prevent them from using their booths with anything but water based. I've gotten 2 quotes from aircraft paint shops. One is a flat $8100 from a shop in Salinas. The second is from one in Lincoln that painted a friends early 172. It was a first rate job.(he won an award at Oskosh last year.) They quoted a range of $5800-$8000 depending on how fancy the scheme is. With my proposed scheme it should be around $6500.
Looking good Marty

I will be interested to see your finished paint job. I drove up and met with Terry, the owner of Kracon Aircraft paint in Lincoln Ca. I was very impressed with his operation. We talked colors and schemes for quite a while. Of course, since I didn't have a note from my wife authorizing the final color choice, I will have to wait on that. I did leave a deposit to hold a date for him to do mine.
Looks really nice Marty. Did they paint it with the wings on? I would have thought on a 12 it would be easier to paint with the wings off, especially on the bottom side of the wings.
Painting should be complete next week. I saw the plane a few days ago. The accent colors were being applied. As such the plane was completely masked. Hard to visualize the complete paint scheme.

The wings were painted with them installed. Denis painted the RV-12 as he paints a production plane. As my wings will remain installed, it did not matter to me.

I am sure Denis will be posting more pictures on his website soon. He is a joy to talk to and deal with. I am very happy so far.
paint shops

Looks good, Marty. I think we'll be going with "Wild White"...with some Wal-Mart flame decals :)
I noticed you pulled your cowl and canopy but left the wings on. I think we'll be doing wings-off and canopy and cowl on.
Looking good Marty! Dying to see the final results. I'll be painting mine myself with maybe some assistance from a professional painter that lives near me.

Art Pennanen

I negotiated $6000 for mine. There is some hidden desire by painters to be first to put their name on a new model. In my part of the country (Texas) that is a good price for a quality job. I had more than one other painter discover I had a new 12 and offered to match that price. I got the one I wanted...in fact he called Thursday and said he was ready for me. Friday we had 12 inches of snow (a record for Dallas). Today, freezing fog. Arrrgggg.
Not quite done yet. Drove up to EuroAviation.com today and inspected the progress. I am happy with the results. Three items yet to do.

Then will post and send you final pictures.
Great paint scheme!! :) What was the brand and color code for the blue paint that was used?


Gerry Peterson
Merritt island, FL
The colors are Sherwin Williams Jet-Glo and Acry-Glo. Matterhorn White, Steel Blue, Las Vegas Gold, Ruby Red. Denis told me that Matterhorn White was the "standard".

You can get the color charts for Jet-Glo and Acry-Glo sent to you via the SW website.
Thanks Marty! Will you be flying to OSH this year? If so, I'll definitely look forward to seeing your RV-12 in person!:)

Thanks again!


Marty, your RV-12 looks like a million...be proud. Great looking paint job -- will add value to your investment.

The design is stunning! I may just have to copy it! In red of course! ;)

Looking good Marty.
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Final Paint of N128MS is Complete-FINAL REPORT

The final paint of my RV-12 has been completed. Drove to EuroAir Aviation in Reedsburg, WI with John Bender a few days ago and performed an inspection. After our inspection, I was MORE than satisfied. If you look VERY closely, yea, you can see a few flaws. BUT, this paint job is VERY GOOD. Had three items that Denis took care of. The plane is ready for the flight back to Davenport this weekend, provided the weather cooperates. All I can to say is Denis is a joy to deal with and is receptive to the customer. You do not find such in this day and age! You will have a hard time beating his prices. And it comes with a no questions asked 1 year guarantee, even if I induce a bit of hangar rash.

I have written a newsletter article that details my experience and have had it placed on our chapter's website. Click on the link for a copy of the article.

EAA Chapter 75 Newsletter Article - RV12 Exterior Paint

A complete set of pictures are available on the EuroAir Aviation's website.

N128MS Exterior Paint Pictures

ONLY complaint, it sure looks naked without the wheel pants and fairings. Van's is supposed to offer them shortly.
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Great looking paint job Marty. The excellant job you did building the -12 deserved a fine finish.

Art Pennanen