Kevin Horton

Well Known Member
I got my final inspection done today. The inspector was very happy with the project, all in all, but did gripe about the fact that there was no markings by the external canopy handle to help a prospective rescuer know how to get the canopy open. I had thought about adding such a legend, but never got around to it. I drew one up tonight, and will put it on tomorrow.

It'll be several days, or maybe even several weeks before I get the paperwork I need to fly. I've got a short list of things I want to sort out before I am ready to do taxi testing and the first flight. I'll be on the road for most of the next two months, so it is hard to say when the first flight will occur. Anyway, I'm pretty pumped to have gotten this milestone out of the way.
Great news Kevin! I've never been to Oshkosh, but if you take the new airplane there next year, I might just have to go and see it, especially if you paint it up pretty.
Great news Kevin! Your web site was one I used a LOT when I was building - glad you've finally gotten caught up...;)

Great News

Congratulations, Kevin! Now looking forward to you having your first flight. Hoping I'm not too far behind :)
Are the laws of physics still operating?

Wow, my world has been shattered this morning! I wake up to read that Kevin Horton has finished his -8 and Larry Pardue is considering a trip to Oshkosh next year. Are the planets still in their orbit? ;)

Congratulations, Kevin. I hope this one will be near the top of your list for first flight test rides.
Congrats Kevin! I've been following your progress since I started building my own eight back in 2001 (and I'm only working on my wings - now there's a slow build ;-) Hope to see you around the patch one day.

Congratulations Kevin

Best wishes Kevin! And, by the way thankyou for your efforts in organizing the -8 get together on Tues at Osh. Really enjoyed meeting some of the folks I've only met on-line.

By the way, If you or Doug Reeves has a list of attendees it would be kind of neat to match up the group photo Doug took with names.

Again congrats and we'll all be looking forward to hearing about your first flight.
Good the hear!
I'm especially looking forward to your data reduction and flight test report/s, not only to see how to do them properly but I'm selfishly hoping for a model for my own report (when the time comes).
Take care,
Doug Gray
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Nice job, Kevin!

Good work, Kevin. Perhaps next time I fly the -8 into YOW on business, we can do a hop together!

All best,
Art Treff
RV-8 Fastback
N666AT 'Lil Snorkey
Congratulations Kevin! I've been checking up on you via your website every few days! I'm looking forward to your big day. I'm so happy for you! Best of luck my friend!
