
Well Known Member
I was thinking of installing the aileron on the wing stand before installing the wing, it will be easier for me (if no helper available) to install the aileron on the wing stand. I would think it might not be too difficult to tie up the aileron in such way so it is not flapping during the wing installation?
Does anyone see any issues with that or has done it this way?

foot note: The plane will be painted so I am aiming to take care not to scratch the paint during assembly.
What an exciting stage to be at! Congratulations!

I suspect you'll be fine. You'll probably want the flaps off so you have clear access to the rear spar attachment bolt.

Though I doubt it'd be an issue...If the torque tubes occlude fitment or access at the wing/fuse joint, just push the inboard one out of the way. Again, I doubt this would be an issue, but it if is, you may find it easer to fix the aileron in the full up position so its torque tube is full outboard (be careful you don't push it too far up since there is no stop in the up direction as the counter-aileron's down stop serves that purpose in flight).

Also, I've posted this before, be careful when you tap the bolts in that the web of the F-01404 Aft Center Section Bulkhead doesn't get caught on a bolt thread. Go slowly and keep checking for it.

BTW, if you made a wing stand, it's a great "helper" when attaching wings.

Recommend you do not attempt to install the wings with the aileron or flap attached. In addition to loosing much needed handholds, the wing becomes unwieldy and you could easily damage them.

Get 3-4 people and tell them your buying lunch.

Those wings go right on! I expected a weekend worth of work/fitting/cursing but it took two people one hour to install both wings.