
Well Known Member
My filtered airbox is rubbish, sounds like it's much the same as most others! It's way outside the baffle floor so I did some reasearch on VAF and came up with a post from 2008 which describes my situation perfectly;

I am finishing my baffles and laid up the VA132 FAB snorkle between the Horzontal fuel injector and the left air inlet. I was suprised to see the filter end of the FAB go outside ( to the left of the left air inlet) by about 2 1/2" . I will need to take a 2 1/2" section out of the middle of the FAB to make it fit.

I called Van's and they said they only make one type of FAB and they never heard of anyone having to modify one like this.

This is on a Superior, horizontal draft I0-360 180 HP engine. I can't see why this dimension should be any different than a lycoming.

I have seen some posts about having to take some stuff off the front of the cowl but I have not seen anything like this in the posts.

One answer was to do the following;

I had the same problem. I saw the solution of one of the European RV builders sites. I cut the box in 2 at the mid section. I placed the top half into the baffle where I wanted it, based on the position of the air filter. I attached the lower half to my fuel injection metering body. With the top and bottom in place I fiberglassed them back together while trying to smooth out the transition between the two. I am happy with the final result.

Before I start making any big cuts, are there any other suggestions or is this the tried and tested method?


Martin :)
That is exactly what I and at least one other builder I know of did. There is no way in @@@@ that I could have made it fit as is. I also had to cut the top off so the alternator would fit and cut a slot for the oil return line to clear. When I rejoined the Snorkle I left enough room to use another starter if I ever wanted to. It was not difficult, just very time consuming and frustrating. I have the stock Lycomming IO-360 M1B from Vans. Pictures available upon request.
Pictures please

Thanks John, if you could post or email some pics that would be great.


I cut the flange off instead and reglassed it to fit. Not sure which approach is best, but I'm happy with mine. Needed a couple dimples to make room for the alternator and the mixture cable end at full rich (Superior cold induction with Precision servo).

Good Luck!