
Well Known Member
I am replacing my HS due to SB-00036. (had a spare handy)
My -7 is polished so want the same for the HS replacement.
Problem is, there are two embarrassing dents on the top skin.
(in the middle of course)

Is there any type of filler/paint combo that can cover the oops and look OK after polishing the surrounding area?
I cant think of any, but help appreciated.
Was even thinking outside the box and wondering if JB Weld which is grey and has some metal in the mix, could be used to fill and polish out.

I have the same opinion that you do about the patch / filler.

My suggestion would be to add some sort of decal over the area or some kind of strip that goes over it.
Suction cup?

You may have tried this but I have had some success reducing dents with small suction cups. It won’t remove a crease but it might remove it sufficiently to be acceptable to you.

There is vinyl that looks like chrome, but I find it doesn’t match the polished aluminum. But depending on how much of the tail is painted it might work.