
Well Known Member
The instructions say:

Drill/match-drill all the holes inboard of the HS-00006/HS-00005 rib attach points (See View A-A). DO NOT drill the holes that will attach the HS-00006 and HS-00005 ribs or the holes outboard of the bend line. The holes outboard of the bends will be drilled later, after the bends are made. Also see Figure 6-6.

But I don't see Figure 6-6 anywhere. Where is it?
I just checked my build log. I have an entry that says "where's figure 6-6?"

I don't believe that it exists.

I'm not at my shop to look, but I remember that there are some pictures in the back of the build instructions that show various stuff. Could it be there?

I queried this with Van's and was told:
The note of “figure 6-6” is clearly a typo as there is no 6-6 that I can find. I expect what was intended was D-D as A-A and D-D are the only two figures that have anything to do with the holes in question.​