
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I let myself sleep a little later than usual (after working until midnight last night), and woke to a blue sky on my birthday! Louise urged me to go do a little dawn patrol before work, and since the airplane is in the back yard, that sounded like a good idea! But what to do?.well, it IS my birthday, so how about something to mark th occasion? I tightened up the harness and pulled up into my first roll - and didn?t stop until I had counted to fifty! (Well, I did pause a few times?)

Barrel rolls, aileron rolls, slow rolls?rolls at the top of a steep parabola?.the air was smooth, hazy below the convection layer, but crisp above as the seeds of the morning cumulous layer began to appear. The Valkyrie seemed happy for the work-out, and I count it as her birthday present to me - just the two of us, waking up before breakfast on what looks to be a nice day!

I aimed back at the airpark as I rolled upright for the 50th time, slid through the wisps at 1,000?, back into the world that most normal people know - the world of traffic, and stop lights, and bad jokes by morning DJ?s. Far better to start the day in the freedom of the sky, dancing on laughter-silvered wings, then finishing it off with a two-tire chirp, and making the turn-off at the house. Ah yes, grass-hopper, there are rewards for turning fifty?in fact, you're never "old" if you are flying an RV - perhaps we may have discovered the Fountain of youth?;)

I guess next year it will have to be fifty-one loops!

Happy Birthday Paul!

Gee glad I don't have to do THAT many next month..Only 47..:)

Have a good one!

50 rolls before breakfast!

Probably better than 50 rolls AFTER breakfast.
Happy 50th Paul.
Or, Loops + Rolls....

I was time limited when my birthday (#47...) came around a couple weeks ago, so solved the problem by doing 4 loops and then 7 rolls. The shorthand version....:D

Excellent idea! I used to celebrate my birthdays doing special things like that, but lately (past age 40, I guess), the motivation hasn't been there. You just gave it back to me! Thanks. :)
Happy Birthday, indeed! Hope you're taking time to reflect on the ups and downs of the last year (not just the loops) and are focusing on what the next year means for you.

I used to dread birthdays. Then I got cancer. Now every birthday is a big deal. I mean, really, consider the alternative .....

Way to celebrate

Happy birthday Paul. That's a fantastic way to celebrate.

I flew to work in Boston a few weeks ago, and that felt pretty good; but you definitely have me beat!

Enjoy the fruits of your labor.
What a cool way to celebrate the big 50....none pilots just would not understand. Happy Birthday and best wishes for many more!


Happy Birthday!!! Wishing you many more,
Happy for you and your new Bride!
Lets fly some where.
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50 rolls when you turn 50 huh............... What are you gonna do when you hit 75? hmmmm? :confused:

Congrats Paul welcome to the old pilots club.

Happy Birthday Paul.

You young'n's wait till you're in your 60's. It's like Becky said the other day. "Seems like we're having breakfast "bout every 20 minutes doesn't it??":rolleyes:

Like Einstein said---Time isn't linear---It seems to speed up as you get older.
Not old

50 is not old if you are a tree!!

Happy birthday!!
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I always enjoy reading your in-flight adventures.:) I've been working on my -6A since '97 and expect to finish by the end of the year. Probably start early next year on flying it. Your excapades have been a bit of an inspiration in keeping me on task.

Keep it up!