
Well Known Member
I have fitted the elevator tips and clecoed in place. I still need to final shape but am concerned about too much sanding. If you look at the attached picture you will see that it is a little long. If I sand it all the way to match the elevator, I believe it will sand the tip open. The way the piece is made is with two sheets of glass that meet in the area. A little forward the sheets spread apart as the tip tapers open. Sanding this much off will probably open up the end. Also I doubt that I can get the end as thin as the elevator trailing edge. What has everyone else done here.
Much of that thickness is gelcoat. Taper-sand it off. For length, fill the trailing edge with a little flox and sand the trailing edge as necessary to make it align with the elevator. No big deal. Hope this helps.
I had the same problem...

I filled the back of the elevator tip in with flox and epoxy (west systems) to build up a solid base. Nothing major, only a 1/4 build up from the trailing edge. I then sanded the rears down (the two halves may open up when you do this). Then I filled the TE of the tips in just a bit with flox and epoxy and smooth sanded them, I'll fill them the rest of the way when I paint.

Hey Mark,
I cut mine off just as you marked, then continued that slot around to the outboard with a hacksaw blade. Then I sanded the excess thickness from the inside, while holding the outside together with finger pressure. It turned out as thin as the T.E. without sanding off the gelcoat. Re-glued together. Should have photos posted in a day or two

OK I will shorten and thin to match the trailing edge. I had foreseen a problem and added a piece of glass and some resin so hopefully that will hold it together after sanding if I get into the joint.
Andrew, good idea thinning the inside to keep the gel coat in tack on the outside. If I had thought of that I would not have put the glass on the inside until after trimming.