
Well Known Member
I am getting to the point i have some glass work to do on canopy, and on tips. I have bought all the basics that folks have suggested...

Can someone clarify for me.....
west resin 105 with 206 hardner for all the work right?
403 micro (adhesive filler)
410 micro (fairing filler)
cotton flock
superfil (several people like this, but for only certain things right? like what?)

Now, this may be a dumb question, would not be my first...but...how do you decide what "stuff" to use and when in the epoxy?

All of this stuff was well recommended i just dont really understand how you KNOW what is the best stuff to mix in for which application? Any suggestions welcome. I have read all sorts of stuff....just dont see the clarification on fillers. Thanks.
Contact me off line or by phone and I can fill you in. I have built several composite aircraft.

Gary Specketer
[email protected]
Tech councilor/ Flight advisor
Dragonfly, Glasair III, Glastar, RV 10
West has a black coloring agent for your first layers which will be visible through the plexi from the inside.

West Systems has a good instruction manual on thier web site at: http://www.westsystem.com/. Click on the tab titled "Using WEST SYSTEMS Epoxy".

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