
Fiberglass finished!

Turned out good, not perfect, but good.

There are a few areas where tiny fragments of the line came off with the tape, little chips, hardly noticeable.

There is one "hanging chad" (second pic) that is about 1/2 inch wide and a few 32nds tall at the top of it's ramp. Not sure how to remove this or even if I should or perhaps just let the painter fix it?

Any opinions welcome!

Edit: What looks like scratches on the plexiglass above the line is just dust on the inside.

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By the time the painter has finished, it will be fine. A bit of 1k filler and mask a 1/16th onto the plastic and it will all vanish. Nice fairing btw :D
I remember some shards overhanging the tape after it came off, I like the plastic razor blades to shear off the ledge. The longer the paint cures the harder it will be to remove. A mild bristle brush also helps clean it off.

Really looks good!
Never depend on the idea that "The painter will fix it" without a very clear understanding, including compensation. Details take time, and time costs money, so good fixin' ain't free anywhere.

That said, Bill has a good paint shop lined up, and this issue is easy, so they probably would fix it.

Want to be sure? If the jagged point only sticks out on the plastic a 1/16" or so, lay a 3M blue fineline tape as a sanding mask just out from the current edge, defining where you want your final paint edge later. Place a short length of tape inside the oops spot, lined up with the majority of the existing edge. Now sand away the jagged point by working between the two tapes. When gone, peel the short inboard tape, and sand along the entire primer edge until it is feathered to the plexiglass. Now peel the fineline tape which defined the future paint edge.

You're left with a primer edge feathered into a very narrow strip of sanded plexiglass. Later, the painter will re-mask with fineline tape at the edge of the sanded strip, shoot one primer coat, and color.