
Well Known Member
This goes out to all of you who are experts in FAA regs. I will be moving sometime in the next three months at a time when I will probably be in the middle of my Phase I testing. Is it possible to get a ferry permit to move to a new home base airport during Phase I? If so, how do I go about it?

Peter K
fat chance

I grovelled humbly to leave the test area to get a prop balance. was told in essence there's no bread; go eat cake. the Folks Against Aviation would have none of it.
Yes this has been done for a variety of reasons during phase 1 time. Like everthing else when dealing with the FAA, It has EVERYTHING to do with the office and the inspector you get.
I don't know how far you are moving, but have you thought about haveing your test area at your new place with maybe a corridor or something like that. I would argue that I needed an airport with long runway, crash equip. etc. during the intial few hours, then move to the smaller field that is close to home. Might be a moot point for that's what the intial phase 1 is for. Just a thought. I agree with Kahuna, that it probably depends on the local FSDO.
Good Luck,
Rick Maury
RV 7 Tail and Wings done, Fuse under construction
More details

How many hours for phase I ...... 25 or 40?
On the move, from where to where?
RE: Ferry permit during Phase I

This Fall, a RV-7 showed up here at Stead (4SD) from Seattle with a ferry permit from the SEA FSDO. He was able to get one during his Phase I testing, why not you? Dan
Seems like someone here ferried his Phase 1 9a (?) from the Northwest to Texas last year. Go forth and ask.
I did my first flight near Pittsburgh, after 25 hrs the FAA gave me a very specific corridor to get my 8 back home. Like Kahuna said depends on the guy you get
This Fall, a RV-7 showed up here at Stead (4SD) from Seattle with a ferry permit from the SEA FSDO. He was able to get one during his Phase I testing, why not you? Dan

Good call Dan! I'll shoot Paul an e-mail and see what he did to get the move OK'd. Will post back here when I get the word. Always good to get "the gouge" from those that have blazed the trail!

Paul's reply:

Paul came back quickly from his Blackberry. Here's what he wrote:

"To ferry my plane I went to the FAA guy who first gave me the airworthiness cert. He reissued me a new one with a 5 mile wide flight corridor from Vancouver to Stead with the new flight limitations at Stead. Hope that helps. Paul"

I too hope it helps!! :)

Quick note, it was Vancouver, WA, not BC.

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ferry permit

Here in coastal NC hurricanes are a real deal. This past summer it looked like I would have to move my plane out of harms way while still in phase 1. Called Greensboro FSDO, and was told a ferry permit was absolutely no problem. As it turned out, that very day, hangar space that I had applied for became available. I also heard that the DAR that inspected my plane can also issue the permit. Anyone know if that is factual information??

Hope this helps (HTH)
Thanks to all who responded!

I will moving from Somerset, KY (about 2 hrs North of Knoxville, TN) to Knoxville TN. I would like to get my airworthiness inspection done here in Somerset so I don't have to transfer my plane (with wings off) to Knoxville. In addition, I will not be moving for about three months so I would have time to get some of the Phase I testing done here in Somerset. If I wait to move to Knoxville I will lose a lot of time. Furthermore, I have access to a great hangar here in Somerset owned by an A&P. In Knoxville, there is no hangar space at this time. There is NO FSDO that will come to Somerset to do the airworthiness inspection; I will be having a DAR do the job. Can he give me a corridor to Knoxville?

Mel, if you read this would value your opinion.

Peter K