
Well Known Member
feedback from those with battery in the forward baggage hold

I have been considering for some time the placement of the battery in my 8A. Those who have put the battery in the back tell me that they are glad they did so, and that everyone they have spoken with has agreed that it is the best place for W&B issues. I know that many have put the battery in the forward baggage hold, which moves the CG aft just a bit and has some other advantages, shorter wire runs etc.

I have played with Dan Checkoways W&B spreadsheets which are found here:

By the way, thanks to Dan for all the work that went into that.

It seems that the baggage hold placement is only a problem for a pilot who weighs less than 150 lbs with almost no fuel, and reduces the chances of aft CG with various loads.

I would appreciate feedback, especially from those who have put the battery in the forward baggage hold. Would you do it again? For those with an aft battery, would you consider the forward baggage hold if you were doing it again?

Thanks in advance for your input.
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Which engine and prop?

Engine and prop weight are huge variables here. Which engine and prop are you planning to use?

Good point. I will be using a superior IO-360 with a Catto prop that will weigh about 18 pounds. I would not even consider the baggage compartment placement of the battery with a C/S prop.