
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Quick question for those folks that have used KSAT recently - Louise and I might fly out there tomorrow afternoon for a quick visit, and as I usually use reliever fields, I haven't been in to the big airport myself -can anyone recomend an FBO on the filed for a couple hour stay (and maybe a courtesy car)?

Let's see how my choice stacks up

I have never been there but use Airnav to check on places. I usually avoid places with "jet" in the name or "Million Air" so in checking the reviews my first choice would be Landmark Aviation but I would call about the courtesy car ASAP

There is a good thing about larger than reliever airports and that is that you can get services, rental cars, etc well into the evening.

I just called Landmark (may not have answered with that name) and they have THREE courtesy cars (2 hour use).
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Thanks Ron, I always go to Airnav first, and did that tonight - I have the same reservations about the "big guys" - they can sometimes be a bit unfriendly to anyone that can taxi undeneath the belly of their big paying customers....just checking to see if anyone had any recent firsthand experience!

Landmark "NORTH" (on the approach end of 12R). There are two Landmark FBOs on the field. I am from there, and drop in about once per month. They have treated me well so far. Even when I get fussy about them not moving my plane and not buying fuel... They do have a couple of courtacy cars available.
Perfect Day


You and Louise are going to have some OUTstanding weather today for the flight. I just stepped outside and its clear and a gazillion. Even though you are on the other side of town this looks like the whole state today.

I bet you wish the panel was done so you could fly Mikey however Val needs the exercise. What a day for RV flying.

Sorry I missed you guys at the get together yesterday. I was looking forward to checking out the new panel. Maybe next time.