Liberty Ship

Active Member
I hope this posts. My uploading skills are rusty. Enjoy.
Father's Day Video

Thanks you for taking the time and effort to means a lot to me. You did a GREAT job....Dad too.:)

Gerry Hatch
Absolutely floored, and simply the best RV video I've seen to date. Thank you very much for posting this.

You wound up a lot of our thoughts and dreams and reasons for why we do what we do in just a couple of minutes.

Thank you again,
Wonderful video!

Especially meaningful at the end. My father, who was an AF pilot, would not go thru all that good flying at age 83. He does enjoy the straight and level though. He thinks my RV's wings are 'too short.'

Capturing the dream-theme by using special music and commentary makes this a classic for those who understand "High Flight."

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth,
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds -- and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of -- Wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.

Up, up the long, delirious burning blue
I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or even eagle flew.
And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

High Flight, a poem by John Gillespie McGee, Jr. (1922 - 1941). An American/British fighter pilot, he flew with the Royal Canadian Air Force in World War II. He came to Britain, flew in a Spitfire squadron, and was killed at age 19 on December 11, 1941, during a training flight from the airfield near Scopwick, Lincolnshire. The poem was written on the back of a letter to his parents which stated, "I am enclosing a verse I wrote the other day. It started at 30,000 feet, and was finished soon after I landed."

Very well written, shot, and recorded! That was a pleasure to watch. Thanks for posting it!
Fathers day

Thanks guys! I've got a new camera and recorder and was just testing them out. My dad actually did a lot of the video and he didn't get sick! DR you're right. We all a have a screw or two loose but so did the guys that went before us!
Pat Lee
Thanks so much!

Pat, that is really beautiful! As a former military pilot who until last year had not flown since 1973, I sent it to my young-adult children to try to help them understand my "new-found" enthusiasm for flying again. You really expressed my emotions well; thank you. And, hats off to your dad - what a special thing to be able to share with him. Unfortunately, some of us can't any more.


P.S. Love the references to our forefathers in flight.
That was one of the best home movies I've ever seen - RV related or otherwise. Thanks so much for sharing. Brings back memories of flying with my Dad in his -6A.

One question: I have zero formation training, but is ABOVE and behind really the proper place for a wingman to be in an echelon formation? Seems like this would cause loss of sight to lead in many situations, especially in a low wing airplane. Not trying to rain on anyone's parade or take away from the beauty of the movie. Just trying to learn, as formation flying is something I want to pursue when I do ever get an RV in the air.

Don't do it like that! That formation was all for the camera. I was looking at the view fiinder and telling Dave where to position himself for the video. Same with the tail shots. Dave was working hard trying to stay out of my
prop wash. Dave Dollarhide and I have been flying together in Navy jets or RV's for 30 years. Some of the stuff we do is "just for the movies". He worked a lot harder than I did. Anyway, Have fun with your plane and remember that to be a good formation pilot it is just practice, practice, and then some more practice. Pat

Thanks so much for sharing!

I'll second the other folks here: this was one of the best video's I've ever seen!

Your comments, the pics, the formation, the music and then your dad.

It was all juuuust great!
May I please have another.

I was all smiles till you threw your dad in there in the end, then I lost it.
Man, that was really something.
Thanks for making my day.
Great video and best of all, you made it with your father.

I lost my father about 12 years ago to a sudden heart attack.

Seize the moments you have now because there will come a day when they can happen no more!

Great video!
Made my eyes wet.......

Wow, great movie editing as well as written/spoken word.

I gave my Dad (85 this year and USAAF P-47 driver) his first ride in my -8 last week. Your video and prose cemented the past to the present, as well as every avaitor's tie to those that have flow ahead of us. Well done, very well done. Any chance you'd post your narrative here?

Art in Asheville
RV-8 Fastback/Slider

Spectacular, not a dry eye here. I only wish my father, a 25,000+ hr aviator with macular degeneration could see it. I have to thank Don Miller for taking Dad up to Lompoc for lunch in his -6.
Yep, excellent

It took me this long to get around to looking at it.

Anybody notice how the RV videos are evolving? This one had a bit of story and a bit of poetry (and music from my era). That stuff is a lot better than just the thrill stuff.
Awesome, indeed. Pat you get 2 Oscars in my book, the first for the music, narration, and flying, and the second for your dad's video skills. Man, he has some STEADY hands. :)
Must be where you got yours from, eh? :)
Fitting tribute to you both!

Joe Harwell

Fantastic! Hats off to the writer, director, Editor, music director, camera personnel and all the actors. I think we have seen the VAF Oscar winner for 2008! Great courage and implementation Pat!:cool:
Very Moving

Awsome video... Even better than Tree Top Flyer and definetly a motivator to keep pounding those rivets...

We as aviators are a lucky bunch. Doing what most have not and would not dare.....

Low altutude, High speed you KNOW you are alive....
terrific video!

My wife actually watched a complete video on flying an RV ... the full 6 minutes and 14 seconds. We both truly enjoyed it. :)

I hope you don't mind but I linked your video to my builder's web log below ... it answers the question, "Why I love To Fly?" in today's entry. Your video says it all! :D :D Thank you

That 6 minute video stands alone at #1; You have set the bar very high. When all the pieces come together in a production magic happens. Hollywood, Indies, Networks spend fortunes trying to make magic. Sometimes the get it right, many times they fail. You got it right. It's one of those "You know it when you see it" moments. Excellent!
Half a bubble off

It took me a bit to get the ?mist? out of my eyes. Must be hay fever or something ;) GREAT video, it does answer the question, ?You?re building your own airplane, what the heck are you thinking?? I think you?re right; aviators have to be about half a bubble off, but hey so what!
Father's Day Flight

It took me awhile to figure out who the pilot was. With all the gentle and smooth dialogue, it never struck me until the end that it was a friend from my class at the airlines. I knew he had an RV-7, flew out of grass, and his wife gave him smoke, and knew he once flew for EAL. But this new talent in video and commentary I never saw coming. Just to tell you, my 85 year old Dad and I fly formation together every D-Day, he in his Cherokee 140 and I in my RV-8. We are in the air at the same time, same heading, and same altitude as he bombed on that decisive day in 1944, only back then it was in a B-26. Fly safe, my friend, and hello from Toulouse!
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What happened? As is my habit, we had out of town visitors, and I pulled them all into the computer room to watch the video, and I get the message that says, ?Video remove by user.? That has got to be the best explanation as to what?s going on out in the garage, I?ve ever seen!