
Well Known Member
On fathers day my wife got my son this shirt, he hangs out with me in the garage. It was a great gift. It says "Official Garage Manager, RV-7A Division"




- Matt
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Too cool.........

Enjoy it well and while you can. My son is now 23 and it only seems like yesterday he was hanging out in my shop, woodworking and making that wooden 'er..pain' with three scrap pieces nailed together! :eek: Now he has a wife and his own deal..........
Nice! My son will be heading to college this fall. The shop won't be quite the same with out him around. Enjoy the time together they grow up fast.
Great Pictures

What a cutie!!!! Man they grow up fast. Get him garaged trained early and the memories will never go away and news ones will be made daily.

My youngest is 27 and is a Sports Reporter/Weekend Sports anchor in Columbia SC. Far away!! At least he is high enough on the broadcasting food chain now that I can watch him on the Internet.
Yeah, he is a real blessing. I never thought I would like having a kid so much (he was not planned). Right now he really just likes looking at the shiny alclad but I will have him deburring soon :)
There's hope for us old timers

Matt, nice looking son you have there. Take the advice of the previous posters and spend as much time as you can with him.

Yep, my son is 24 and does his own thing also.
But I have two new grandkids, so I'll have help before you know it.

Here's a photo of my daughters son, Colton. This photo was taken right before he explained to me that the Dupont Variprime I used is really not a sealer :p
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