
The installation of a fastback conversion might be something I could do as part of the repair to my -4 fuselage (top torn up by unfriendly Chipmunk) are there any implicationsf on performance and C of G?

Thanks for any advice
RV-4 conversion to a fastback

First off, I undertook a conversion of my 1992 RV-4 to a fastback two years ago, and would do it again in a heartbeat. I had my airplane down for 90 days during the process.

I purchased bulkheads 407, 408 and 409 plus the enlarged turtledeck skin from John Harmon in Bakersfield, California. Then I ordered a Harmon Rocket canopy bubble from Todd's Canopies in Florida. I purchased a new standard RV-4 canopy frame from Van's and modified it as necessary to fit the aircraft and the new turtledeck. Since there are no plans for this conversion, you just do what needs to be done to accomplish the desired outcome.

If you are interested in any of the finer details, you can contact me at <[email protected]> and I will be happy to share pictures and my experience with you.

I can't tell you the exact increased speed I gained, but I can tell you that I can fly all day at 8,500 to 9,000 feet at WOT leaned to just less than maximum EGT and show 174 kts. TAS. This is with an 0-360 carbureted Lycoming and standard Hartzell C/S prop.

I actually did the conversion for the appearance but believe the increased performance in cruise is worth it.

Jake T
Fastback FOUR, the best RV ever?


You have chosen wisely, the Fastback RV4 is arguably the best RV of any type, ever. You need only look back a few threads to AXO's very nice project and Jake's comments above to see the merits of the FRV-4.
Having flown several F4's and owned an HR2 I can tell you the speed gained and ergonomics of more back seat head room and slightly more baggage space alone make it worthwhile. Dave Anders built one of the first ones back in the mid 90's. Dave's masterpiece in horsepower vs weight and drag reduction attention to detail was the CAFE efficiency winner 15 years ago and is the fastest RV on the planet, still to this day.
Considerations would be to purchase the parts from John Harmon, then AXO, JJ and others can help you with exactly what you need.

Good call!

Dave Anders masterpiece FB RV-4

My buddy JJ's gorgeous FB-4
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... Dave Anders built one of the first ones back in the mid 90's. Dave's masterpiece in horsepower vs weight and drag reduction attention to detail was the CAFE efficiency winner 15 years ago and is the fastest RV on the planet, still to this day....

I thought so too, until this morning when I read Bob Axom's post in the "best RV" thread:

I went to the downloadable file of 1162 race flights at www.sportairrace.org under records and stats, deleted all the rows that were not RVs, resorted by speed, and kept deleting columns until it would fit the 8000 character limit of this forum. The results with a ranking column from 1 to 297 are copied below. The only data that would fit are Aircraft Type, speed ranking, Engine by color code (Red = 320 cu in or smaller enginees, Blue = 360 and Gold = 390s or (for RV-10s only) 540s) and speed in knots.

Bob Axsom

RV-8 1 Blue 217.17 (John Huft)
RV-4 2 Blue 209.06 (Dave Anders)
I always thought the fastback conversion looked good, but these photos are fantastic, a credit to the builders thats for sure. I'm not sure whether anyone has done the conversion over here from an existing RV-4, and noted that on AXO's thread that the Harmon frames were cut and rivetted to the existing RV-4 ones which is pretty much what I will have to do to get rid of the damage - were there any issues with your EAA that I could take on board when I speak to our regulator?

FB4 price tag

Cost to an existing 4? Since Dave told me the FB mod increased cruise roughly 5 knots, figure $1000 per knot:)

BTW I am a skeptic when it comes to speed claims, but the CAFE foundation provides real data collected by experts and calibrated instruments. The prototype HR2 couldn't match Dave's original 4, he has changed props to a WW 151 since Cafe.
Check this out:


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Tip for Harmon bulkheads:
Cleco the bulkheads in place with two or three clecos on the sides and at the top. I forget it they are one piece or two pieces but it they are one piece then cut the bulkheads in half at the top. In that case make a little patch to join the top halves together and hold with a few clecoes. Drill the holes for the skins in the bulkheads. Now put the skin in place and back drill and clecoe it to the #7 and the aft small bulkhead.
The next step is to take the clecoes out of the top center of the remaining two bulkheads and then drill them to the skin. After they are drilled to the skin you can then make the final holes in the patch that joins the top halves of the bulkheads together.
The point is that you want to make the bulkheads FIT THE SKIN, NOT THE SKIN FIT THE BULKHEADS. You may also have to replace some of the lower flanges on the number seven bulkhead to get it to fit the skin properly.
The Harmon bulkheads, by today's standards, could be considered a good place to start.
I LOVE my RV-4FB but.....


Thanks for the compliment but YOU CAN'T HAVE MY -4FB!

Anyone contemplating a RV-4 fastback should realize it won't be as easy as a 'standard' RV kit. Van's takes most the quess work out of the build when you follow the plans. Most of it. Deviations, such as a fast back, different cowl, etc, creates many a head scratching moment. Case in point is the Harmon bulkheads. They are designed for the longer Harmon fuselage. So when placed in a standard -4 fuselage they must be cut, and in my case, widened to fit. This is trial and error since there are no 'plans' to follow. Furthermore, the fiberglass fairing on the tail juncture won't fit: the fast back changes the shape. Another biggie is the canopy frame. Not even close to Van's standard. And...And...And...

I made several changes on mine: Moved the front seat back 4 inches. (two weeks ago I had a 260 pound, 6'2" guy in the back, not comfortable but doable still!) Moved the canopy frame back 6 inches to give it a longer nose look, added a Sam James cowl....love the look! Etc Etc etc.

Every change you make to Van's standard will add exponentially to your build time. I hated it during the process but love the results. My plane turned out light and fast, which is purely by luck and chance since I went with looks before science. But I love my RV and it will stay with me 'forever'!

Good luck in your endeavors and most importantly, work on it a little every day and soon....nah, three years from now it will be done...or not!
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Empennage fairing when converting to a fastback

In case you are unaware, the empennage fairing from Van's for an RV-8
fits an RV-4 fastback empennage with literally no modifications.

Furthermore, the fiberglass fairing on the tail juncture won't fit: the fast back changes the shape. Another biggie is the canopy frame. Not even close to Van's standard. And...And...And...
Attention Jim Warren, I believe

I received an email today (Dec. 18) from a gentleman with regards to a question on the conversion of my RV-4 to a fastback. The message auto-deleted before I was able to respond. This has happened a few times recently and don't know the reason.

Mr. Warren (I think was your name) please resubmit your email to me and I will be happy to share any information and/or photos that I have.

My email: [email protected]

Jake T.
FB RV4 conversion

I had also been thinking about doing this - not for speed but for looks mainly - nice to see that you can also get some speed increase as well. I was thinking of also doing the long gear - for that harmon rocket look as well. Here's my RV4. Thanks for posting this informaiton - good stuff I was wondering if anyone had thought of doing this - bit cheaper then the alternative of buying or building a full - harmon rocket kit. I got mine farily cheap from the US about a year ago - spent quite a bit fixing it up to meet Canadian Transport Canada standards so I could get a certificate of airworthiness here. Did some minor - touch ups here and there. Next I would like to add 160HP cylinder upgrade - from titan or Lycoming - do the fastback - and canopy modifications - add the longer gear and do a full repaint - to Orange with some black accecents. Bit of work all and all. Just for fun mostly - as it's not too bad as it is. I added the checkers to give it that aerobatic plane look since I do quite a bit of aerobatics in this plane. Sorry I have not yet figured out how to put the photo of mine on there! I can email it to someone though if someone would like to see it. It's red mostly - with checkered tips and on the rudder.
I had also been thinking about doing this - not for speed but for looks mainly - nice to see that you can also get some speed increase as well. I was thinking of also doing the long gear - for that harmon rocket look as well. Here's my RV4. Thanks for posting this informaiton - good stuff I was wondering if anyone had thought of doing this - bit cheaper then the alternative of buying or building a full - harmon rocket kit. I got mine farily cheap from the US about a year ago - spent quite a bit fixing it up to meet Canadian Transport Canada standards so I could get a certificate of airworthiness here. Did some minor - touch ups here and there. Next I would like to add 160HP cylinder upgrade - from titan or Lycoming - do the fastback - and canopy modifications - add the longer gear and do a full repaint - to Orange with some black accecents. Bit of work all and all. Just for fun mostly - as it's not too bad as it is. I added the checkers to give it that aerobatic plane look since I do quite a bit of aerobatics in this plane. Sorry I have not yet figured out how to put the photo of mine on there! I can email it to someone though if someone would like to see it. It's red mostly - with checkered tips and on the rudder.

Here are some pictures of Frank's very nice RV-4:



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rv4 Fastback

I'm converting a 4 to a fastback, decided to make my own bulkheads and have these cardboard templates from the job. It takes a considerable bit of time to come up with these and I hate to just throw them in the trash. They may not be exactly what someone else would want but are a great starting point if anyone wants them for the price of postage they yours.
I'm converting a 4 to a fastback, decided to make my own bulkheads and have these cardboard templates from the job. It takes a considerable bit of time to come up with these and I hate to just throw them in the trash. They may not be exactly what someone else would want but are a great starting point if anyone wants them for the price of postage they yours.

I'll take 'em Jerry.
Fastback 4

Shop's a mess but thought i post this photo of progress on the fastback 4. Glad to be getting closer to being finished.

Fast-Back to the future...

Looking goood Jerry, nicely done sir!


PS: Nice Champ BTW...7EC?

Thanks for the comments guy's, I'm happy with the way it's going and hope to have it back on the flight line this summer.
The Champ in the garage is I believe a 7DC which means it has a few extra horses and a larger fin area. I've had a welding approval with my maintenance licence for several years and this Champ needs some new tubing in the belly and tail, got to get at it I need the space.
Jerry, I sent you a PM

Thanks for the comments guy's, I'm happy with the way it's going and hope to have it back on the flight line this summer.
The Champ in the garage is I believe a 7DC which means it has a few extra horses and a larger fin area. I've had a welding approval with my maintenance licence for several years and this Champ needs some new tubing in the belly and tail, got to get at it I need the space.

Jerry, I sent you a message. Looking good.

Weyman rv4

Yes this is the 4 from Weyman. It was built in the mid 80's in western Canada. It's gone from a spruce it up paint job to a complete rebuild nose to tail.