Stephen Lindberg

Well Known Member
I am requesting a reference to the FARs pertaining to the annual condition inspection required for experimental category aircraft. The previous owner referenced 91.319 when signing off the inspection but that reg doesn't mention a condition inspection, and I was unable to locate anything in my FAR/AIM reprint.

Perhaps someone could include the wording they use when signing off the condition inspection.

Thanks, guys. (And the odd gal, too.)

((And by odd I mean rare, not peculiar. Would that there were more of you.))
The verbiage used for a conditional inspection should be in your letter of limitations which should be in the plane and carried there at all times. :) Larry
The "Operating Limitations" MUST be in the aircraft with the Airworthiness Certificate to operate the aircraft. The recommended verbiage is in the Operating Limitations. It will read:

No person must operate this aircraft unless within the preceding 12 calendar months it has had a condition inspection performed in accordance with the scope and detail of appendix D to part 43, or other FAA-approved programs, and was found to be in a condition for safe operation. As part of the condition inspection, cockpit instruments must be appropriately marked and needed placards installed in accordance with ? 91.9. In addition, system-essential controls must be in good condition, securely mounted, clearly marked, and provide for ease of operation. This inspection will be recorded in the aircraft maintenance records.

Condition inspections must be recorded in the aircraft maintenance records showing the following, or a similarly worded, statement:

?I certify that this aircraft has been inspected on [insert date] in accordance with the scope and detail of appendix D to part 43, and was found to be in a condition for safe operation.?

The entry will include the aircraft?s total time-in-service, and the name, signature, certificate number, and type of certificate held by the person performing the inspection.
Does anyone have a checklist for condition inspection for an rv-7? I cannot find it in the documents section of this website, but need one...anyone have such a checklist? RV-6 would work too.
condition inspection checklists

Does anyone have a checklist for condition inspection for an rv-7? I cannot find it in the documents section of this website, but need one...anyone have such a checklist? RV-6 would work too.

Typing "condition inspection checklist" into the search engine of this forum will return many posts on this subject.

But if you want a shortcut, here is one of the returned threads that should answer your question: