
Moderator/Tech Counselor
Yesterday I waved goodbye to my RV-7A, Oliver III. Ollie was purchased by a very fine gentleman from Washington State, Floyd Packard, and his wife Judy. Mike Seager assisted Floyd in safely getting Ollie back to a new home.

Rich and I invited Floyd and Mike into our home to help in getting Ollie underway. Floyd arrived Wednesday night. We spent some time looking things over before turning in for the night. Thursday morning was beautiful and I got my last chance to pilot Ollie before turning the keys over to Floyd. Due to a Major Snow Storm headed our way, I arranged to keep Ollie in a hangar at East Troy. I knew they could be plowed out before we could do it at Air Troy.

Mike was due in MKE around 4:30pm and because of the impending storm, Floyd hoped they could leave that evening to get south of the storm track. As luck would have it, Mikes plane was delayed and connections just barely got him into MKE by 11:30pm and narrowly missing being trapped in MSP.

We got up early on Friday and out to the airport before the storm hit East Troy, but by the time Floyd and Mike were ready to go, the storm was closing in. We all enjoyed the day at our home watching the snow and the weather channel and other web sites. We all enjoyed the relaxing day and had a great time visiting. I'm sure Mike and Floyd would rather have been on the way home, but we all got some needed rest after being up late the night before.

Refreshed, we all awakened to a glorious sunshiney winter wonderland. We enjoyed breakfast together and by 9:00am East Troy airport was plowed and ready for Floyd and Mike. We readied Oliver III for the trip home, got in a hug or two and waved goodbye to our new friend Floyd, our friend Mike, and Ollie.

Floyd gave a call later yesterday to let us know how things were going. They needed to fly around some weather, but got to SW Wyoming. Floyd was enjoying his new plane as I knew he would. He called this evening to let me know he was home safe by 10:00am, in time for Easter Mass.

Friday and Yesterday were the very first times that Oliver III left the ground without me in the left seat. I had never seen or heard Ollie fly before from the outside of the cabin. AWESOME. Now I know why our neighbors admired Ollie so much. What a beautiful sight and sound. Floyd and Judy, Enjoy!!! I'm very happy such nice people have adopted my baby.


Pic of my last PIC of Oliver III

Bittersweet bummer!

I was out at 57C plowing snow and just missed you guys by an hour on Saturday. Chris from the FBO told us the whole story. Sorry I missed it but in a way I'm almost glad I did.


The only constant in life is-----change. Best wishes on turning the page to a new chapter.
What's Next - An RV-10?


I know there has to be some new airplane that has your eye and your heart. What's it gonna be?
Thanks, Everyone!!! It was bittersweet for me, too, but I am comforted by Floyd's enthusiam for Oliver III. I think that they will both enjoy that mountain flying. Oddly, Oliver III has headed out the direction I have always wanted to. WEST!!!

I will miss Ollie, to be sure, but I have other interests that I want to pursue. I was never one to spread myself thin in any interest I had. I had 20 years of glorious flying in several types. Time to shift my focus.

What's next? Could be a boat. Stay tuned.

I do plan on getting checked out at 57C and probably fly LSA.

I will always be associated with airplanes. See you all at Air Venture.


Sorry to hear Ollie's gone. I had hoped to fly out to your air park in the Pitts or the RV-8 (when done) and see your -7. Thanks for your many good posts. Best of luck in whatever's next for you. Bill
Geez Roberta!! That's a big step, but it sounds like you're at peace with it. I've really appreciated your advice on this site and hope you would consider checking in on here from time to time to lend us not-yet-flying floks a hand. Also, when you do get going on the next project, please post the info on here. I'm personally hoping you get some type of wooden boat project, but whatever it is keep us posted.
Just a note to anyone traversing the upper Midwest. No one should ever feel trapped at MSP. There are lots of RVers here, any of whom, I'm sure would be glad to pick you up, feed you, put your up overnight and get you on your way the next day if need be.

Same goes for those traveling by RV. We can always find a hangar and a home.