
Well Known Member
I am happy to announce with great pride and joy, that our very own Ron Schreck has been selected to be the Contest Director (CD) for the 2019 US National Aerobatic Championships!!!! This is a huge deal. It is a tremendous honor and responsibility. Ron will be responsible for organizing and safely and efficiently running the week long event which will involve the coordination of about a hundred competitors, dozens of volunteers, and all of the similar logistics you would find at a small air show to include food, hangars, vehicles, etc. Adding to the complexity of the event is that we will be operating out of a new venue, Salina, KS. And I know my buddy is up to the task (although he feels a little overwhelmed at the moment :) ) Here is the official announcement from the IAC:

Submitted by Executive Director on Fri, 2019-03-01 21:56

At a Special Teleconference Meeting of the IAC Board of directors held today, Ron Schreck IAC #433751 was chosen, by unanimous affirmation by the Board of Directors, as the Contest Director for the 2019 U.S. Nationals to be held in Salina, Kansas, 21-27 September 2019.

Ron is a member of the IAC Board of Directors and serves as the South Central Regional Director, a position he has held since he was elected in 2016. Ron lives in Gold Hill Airpark, North Carolina. He is an Intermediate competitor in his RV-8 Miss Izzy and a National Judge. Ron was also a member of the aerobatic formation team of AeroDynamix where he was the flight lead. A graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, service in the United States Air Force as a fighter pilot for over 20 years, and a career as a USAir Captain, Ron has an excellent background as an organizer.

Ron reported today that he already has begun work on the foundation of the Nationals by arranging to meet with airport officials and the Visit Salina!, the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce, in Salina on March, 25, 2019. He will be joined by IAC Chapter 119 founding member A.J. Hefel of Wichita, Kansas, who will be his on-site liaison in the coming months.

Ron has the full support and encouragement of the IAC Board of Directors and we are looking forward to a successful in event in September."

So there you go, an RV guy as the CD of the US Nationals Aerobatic Championship! RVs are respected and welcomed at IAC events all over the country. RV participation is desired at all levels in the IAC. If there was ever a time to join the IAC and participate in the many fun events, the time is now! Why don't you join in on the fun?! I hope to see you at a future contest or chapter practice day sometime!
Superb choice!

I know it will come off without a hitch. Ron?s a great pick. Congratulations to him.
Salina, a great venue!

My father was based there at former Schilling AFB 1960-62 where he was contracting officer for the Atlas ICBM program. I remember the based ramp covered in B-47 bombers and KC- 97 tankers.

Caution: the wind seems to blow all the time.

Coincidentally,the river, area, and local bombing range are all called Smokey Hill.
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Come join the fun!

Thanks for all the well-wishes. I'm excited about the Nationals and our new venue in Salina, Kansas. We picked the venue from a list of 44 entries and I think Salina will deliver in every way imagined. It's about as central to the population center of the continental US as possible and has a moderate climate in late September. The facilities are all located in a huge hangar and the box is placed where it will not interfere with normal airport operations. The support we have already experienced from the airport and the city is phenomenal!

If you were ever thinking of participating in IAC competition, want to volunteer or just be where the action is, now is the time to join the club. Our first contest of 2019 is just three weeks away and there are over 20 regional contests listed on the 2019 competition calendar.

I will be posting the RV competition standings again this season and hope to see many of you vying for the top of the pedestal.
Fantastic choice indeed!

Congratulations Ron on your selection as Nationals CD. I'm really looking forward to going this year. I didn't go last year simply because Oshkosh was going to be too far to go in the Extra. Salina is MUCH better, especially for us folks in the Southwest IAC region.

My first contest is next month at Borrego Springs, CA. Can't wait!
Congratulations Ron on your selection as Nationals CD. I'm really looking forward to going this year. I didn't go last year simply because Oshkosh was going to be too far to go in the Extra. Salina is MUCH better, especially for us folks in the Southwest IAC region.

My first contest is next month at Borrego Springs, CA. Can't wait!


Thought you might like Salina. Lots of folks are going to be pleased with the new location. I see you flew a Velux at the Hammerhead Roundup last year. Does that belong to you? A friend of mine, Dan McCan built three of those: two crashed and one went out West somewhere. Would that be the one you flew?

Going to stay in Intermediate this year or move up to Advanced? Look me up in Salina.
