
Well Known Member
My Grandpa (now deceased) was born in the 19-teens in the mountains Northeast of Phoenix, last year a group of us flew commercial and trekked around my Great Grandpa's old ranch lands. It was unbelievably rugged, I still have no idea how they managed to survive and we experienced the realitively mild temps in January.
For whatever reason a Department Of Reclimation photographer Walter J Lubken followed my Great-Great Grandpa, Great Grandpa and Great Uncle up to "Hells Hip Pocket" to take a picture in the early 1900's. Walter was in the area taking pictures of the Theodore Roosevelt Dam Project, the pic: (I've poured over this pic, animal skins-guns-empty tin cans-grade the cabin set on-hunting dogs-clothes)


Long story short the stone chimney still stands today, After personally making this hike I can't believe that they hauled a 1900's era camera up here. Much easier for us to take a picture.


My Great-Grandpa moved his family SouthEast of Kingman, Az around 1920 so his kids could go to school. My dad and I planned to visit this area around the Big Sandy River this Jan-March when the weather allowed, and now comes the RV related portion.

A weather window 4 days wide over that distance in Janurary is pretty rare, the wx forecast from Sun-Wed wasn't perfect but looked doable especially since I had time off from work approved till Saturday just in case. I like to have at least two "outs" in unfamiliar territory.

I waited till mid-morning last Sunday to leave some wx behind me....



I picked up my Dad in Wichita and we headed out west to Dumas, Tx (KDUX) for gas and restrooms.


Lunch was served on board enroute to Belen, NM (E80).



The Airmets for wind shear and moderate-severe turbulence were spot-on as we approached the Sandia Mountains, I went slightly south of course to follow HWY 60 over the lower part of the ridge without issue.


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With plenty of gas and no immediate need for a restroom we skipped New Mexico altogether and pushed westward towards a band of marginal weather.


As we approached Arizona, we had lowering ceilings to about 3000 OVC and snow showers depicted on ADSB and out the window just north of our route. We still had a 180 back to the east as well as patches of blue to our south for backup plans. We stopped at ST John's (KSJN) for fuel/restrooms/wx check.


I waited on the ground for a few more wx radar updates, there was a thin band of precip between KSJN and KSOW I wanted to watch. I had confirmation on the ground in Phoenix that the Superstions and 4 Peaks were clear, but a few isolated snowflakes were falling around KSJN. With a radar depiction and eyes on clouds verifying the thin light band was dissipating we launched for Phoenix well prepared to divert back to KSJN or KSOW.
I'm not gonna lie, I felt a little bit like Vlad under the OVC dodging snowshowers.


KSOW was in the clear and I could see a path to the desert ahead.




The Salt River...


Apache Lake and snow covered 4 Peaks...


I was able to find the chimney and rock corrals from the previous post, you can just see them above the wingtip. Bitchn' Betty's got nothing on my dad, she only had 1 "terrain pull-up pull-up" to 4 of his....."quit screwing around before you crash into that mountain"......."I don't see it"......"you want me to puke in your plane"....."Pay attention to your flying"......"What do you mean I have the controls, I don't know how to fly".....


Weavers Needle.

We hiked 8-9 miles in the Arrastra Wilderness Area near where my Grandpa grew up.




We also stopped at some other attractions.......the Historian at the museum was able to verify a lot of verbal family history.



We stayed in Kingman, Az overnight and had breakfast at the Airport Cafe.


We headed out to the deserted mining town of......


We believe this is where my Grandpa walked 3 miles from home to school, it was once home to over 800 people. Not a lot left but rusty trash and a few foundations.



The foundation of a water tank above the mine, The Big Sandy River is currently flowing a lot of water in the background.



The Big Sandy kept us from reaching the actual homestead area, someone braver than us took a much closer look and chose wisely to backup.


We finished the evening off with some authentic Mexican at Espos in Chandler, $16.95 for 10 tacos, nachos and a margarita in a Solo Cup!

Many Thanks to RV7Guy for the hospitality, we really appreciate it! It is so cool to meet the members of VAF in person. On the ground at Stellar Airpark.


Heading north out of the Phoenix area.



We stopped at Payson, Az (KPAN) for good food and cheap gas. Apparently RV builders/fliers are attracted to good food and cheap gas....



Unfortunately the wx at Sedona, Az (KSEZ) was a little too low, this was about all we saw.


The news said Flagstaff had 28" of fresh powder.


Luckily there were some breaks in the clouds as we flew over the Zuni Point Cooridor of the Grand Canyon at 11,500. This was my first visit to the Canyon.






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After the Canyon we turned eastbound and headed for home. Navajo Mountain and Navajo National Monument...



Descending into Monument Valley.




I had sent the waiver/permission slip to Gouldings Lodge several days in case we needed a restroom/lunch break. I tossed my phone to my dad to take several pics of the approach into's the best of the finger pictures.....



We were still full from our lunch at Payson so he hit the restroom and took a couple pics.


The flight around Monument Valley was the highlight of the trip for me, even better than the Grand Canyon.




More snow showers east of Monument Valley...


Four Corners was hidden by a snow shower that looked much heavier than the light snow broadcast on the ATIS at FMN. Luckily the light snow was just south of our planned fuel stop of Aztec, Nm and they just plowed the runway yesterday.

We left Aztec, NM direct Wichita, Ks and climbed to 17,500 for clouds and terrain. Winds were relatively calm at 15-20 from the west. Temp at 17.5 was -22*F, my dad was a little chilly but I never got cold enough in my short sleeves to put my hoodie back on. We even had some frost on the inside of the canopy..



Random pics over the Rockies, it was an amazing view!





We stayed up high until descending for Wichita, Ks (KICT) and landed just about dark where we both grabbed a coffee at the FBO.


After making the last 3 takeoffs at 5-6000 msl, the RV surprised me when it leapt off the ground at KICT with half fuel/baggage/passengers. I was greeted back home with 2800 OVC and a nice 15+ knot crosswind. The crosswind wasn't a problem, but my touch & go wheelie turned into a decent 3 point.


It was an amazing trip with just over 13 flight hours and 100 gallons of gas, made possible by the help and inspiration received on VAF! Thank You!!
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My Grandpa (now deceased) was born in the 19-teens in the mountains Northeast of Phoenix, last year a group of us flew commercial and trekked around my Great Grandpa's old ranch lands. It was unbelievably rugged, I still have no idea how they managed to survive and we experienced the realitively mild temps in January.
For whatever reason a Department Of Reclimation photographer Walter J Lubken followed my Great-Great Grandpa, Great Grandpa and Great Uncle up to "Hells Hip Pocket" to take a picture in the early 1900's. Walter was in the area taking pictures of the Theodore Roosevelt Dam Project, the pic: (I've poured over this pic, animal skins-guns-empty tin cans-grade the cabin set on-hunting dogs-clothes)

The one thing in life you can't ever get back is time, especially with your Dad.
Nicely done!

PS: Gives a whole new meaning to "Dorothy, we're not in Kansas anymore"...
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WOW...awesome trip!
Fantastic pictures!
I am jealous of your time with your DAD.
Thanks so much for sharing...and the time spend uploading pictures!!
Wow Andy! That was great! How fortunate you are to spend time with your Dad on a real flying mission!
Desert SW Trip

In concurring w/others, briefly-my Dad wore the older same gray + black lt. flannel shirt as yours' - en route. seen so rarely; your Dad's words 100% same as my Dad's, "you gonna quit screwing around ...this...crashing into the mt." ( "O.K.-you got the controls.") Not only would I have pd. for that on the ground, but your Dad better, as you put him in the T.P. Jail for great photo for his comments. Too funny. My Dad would have put me in the jail, for ("you got the controls, etc.) In flying only 1x over Lake Powell, Grand canyon en route to Copperstate via 182, it was difficult to not hear every piston, every firing...looking down..couldn't land a powered parachute down there. Thanks for the SW trip photos & captions, A+.
Nice meeting you!!

It was great meeting you and your Dad. What a great opportunity to explore some AZ history and more importantly, family history. Cherish every moment with your Dad. Many of us wish we had that opportunity.

Glad the truck worked out for you. I'll be getting in touch to get some specific information on the places you hiked. I'd like to try some of those myself. Maybe next time you come out I'll be off work!!!

BTW, you had some of the best Mexican food around at Espo's!!!
Thanks to everyone for the kind comments, it was an amazing trip neither I nor my dad will forget.
My Christmas present this year was the chance to take this trip with my dad, It goes without saying that I have an understanding......ahem.....or at least a Very Awesome Wife (I'll make sure she reads this). I've been thinking and planning since our commercial flight last year to Phoenix on how to do this in the RV, I settled on the accuracy of a 5 day forecast sometime between Jan-March hopefully on a Sun-Wed. In the end it worked splendidly, we were prepared to have fun despite alternate destinations.

RV7Guy, call me anytime! If I'm in Chandler again Espos is my treat! If not I'll eat there by myself with no shame!

VAF has been a tremendous help and inspiration to me from various posters build and trip logs. I hope to help and inspire half the amount of people who have inspired me.

"Yes, it is worth it!"
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Thanks for the pictures, definitely my favorite part of the country.

My grandpa was a huge influence on me and his love for this part of the world. I grew up visiting him in Sedona, Prescott and family in PHX.
I was lucky to really explore this area during the summers and appreciate it when I fly over them.
Very cool!