Kevin Horton

Well Known Member
I was in Montreal for several days last week, and noted on the drive home Friday afternoon that the fall leaves were further along east of Ottawa than they were around home.

The weather was forecast to be perfect all weekend, so it looked like a great chance to take Terry flying to see the fall leaves. Saturday I did a recce flight, and confirmed that the leave situation was much better east and north of Ottawa than it was in our local area.

Sunday morning we launched east for lunch at Sherbrooke, and we were not disappointed. The elevation at the bottom of the hills around Sherbrooke is 500 ft higher than Ottawa, and the tops are even higher than the bottoms (surprising eh?). The colours were pretty much at peak, I think.

The full gallery is posted on Flickr, but here is a teaser:

by khorton15, on Flickr
Very nice gallery Kevin. I like darkened wing color against the foliage. Time to visit the North one more time I guess :)
Fall Colors

It sure is beautiful ..

I'm planning a flying breakfast to Chutes St-Philippes, north of Mont Tremblant on friday..will fit the GoPro under my wing and try to get a nice video souvenir...

Will post the link if it is good..


Great photos Kevin !!

Sure brings back pleasant memories of when I was flying over Quebec.

Beautiful Kevin! Not full color here in Michigan yet but starting to look like a premium year!