Tango Sierra

I'm New Here
OK, newbie here.
I am thinking that ya'll have probably had this question a 10,000,000,000 times, but does anyone have a source on decent pre-cast wing root fairings for RV-8's. It seems the project simply will not get finished and since I want fariings but have somehow developed a horrible allergic reaction to all things fiberglass and resins in general, I thought maybe someone has a source on something I don't have to get sick for.

Tango Sierra
The -8 calls for a aluminum and rubber wing root fairing. The -3, -4 and -6 originally called for a fiberglass fairing but most use the new style rubber channel.
They're slower than Van's..

...wing root fairings. Several years ago an owner complained about his -6 not meeting Van's published speed. Someone advised him to remove the radiused fiberglass fairings and went stock and picked up around 7 MPH.


Properly designed wingroot fairings are one of the best aerodynamic improvements for RVs. But... most of them are shaped wrong.

The general strategy is to start with a very small radius at the leading edge. Starting near the thickest part of the wing, the fairing radius should begin to grow. Here is an example of a nice wingroot on a sailplane:

You don't need to make a GIANT fairing. If the fairing is too large, the added weight and wetted area will outweigh the benefits.

I know everybody likes to claim that their mods add 10 knots... but realistically, you may get 1-2 knots if you do this right. I've noticed a lot of people make their fairings backwards, beginning with a large radius at the LE and tapering it to a smaller radius further back. Don't do that!

Another easy gain is to seal your flaps. The leading edge of your flap should nest against a strip of foam-rubber when it is retracted. This keeps high pressure air beneath your wing from spilling out the top and creating interference drag.
