I rivetted the polyester fairings in place on the horizontal stabilator. I am not happy with the small crack between the aluminium and the plastic. It is not completely flush. Can I correct this with a small amount of epoxy filler. Or should it be a more elastic compound to avoid cracks in the future.

peter houpt, the Netherlands
Depends on what your regulating authority will allow since it is not detailed in the build plans.

If you do do it, keep in mind that the stabilator is a balanced control surface.
Adding weight to it in the wrong place is not a good thing.

When just filler is used, cracking in the future is pretty common regardless of what type unless the gap is bridged with fiberglass which is even a worse choice because of the balance issue already mentioned.

Your airplane will be covered with skin lap joints and other types of structural intersections. Once it is painted, I doubt you would ever be bothered by the gap that currently exists.
Can you post a picture? I'm about to install the same fairings. I know step 1 says to square the corner with a razor or file. The print shows a perfect 90 degree corner. Are most of you guys taking the time to do this? If so any tips or tricks to accomplish it?


  • Screenshot_20211004-151020_Office.jpg
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stabilator fairings.

I was less worried after the reaction of Scott mcDaniels. Included is a picture of my ''problem''


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Thanks for the pic, not perfect but looks fine to me. I've been putting off installing these fairings for months while waiting for my wings worried about not getting them perfect. But I'm going to just do my best and move forward. As they say we aren't building a swiss watch.

I was less worried after the reaction of Scott mcDaniels. Included is a picture of my ''problem''
I was less worried after the reaction of Scott mcDaniels. Included is a picture of my ''problem''

I think something is wrong here. If I remember correctly, the skin mates with the fiberglass fairing. Then under the fairing, the rib. It looks like your rib flanges are above/outside of the fairing.
stabilator fairings

I do not think so. In step 4, page 12A-02, it tells:'' install ten rivets at the locations called out in Figure 3 on both top and bottom surfaces of the the stabilator, without installing the tip fairings''.
So the skin and ribs are already mated. The reason you see the the rib in the slit is because I made the holes in the rib too far to the outside.