Mark L

Wondering if anyone has a website that does a good job of documenting Fairings Etc. gear intersection installation that they could direct me to. I'm a 7A if possible. Thanks.
Their instructions basically tell it how it is.

You offer it up, look, trim, fiddle, trim, fiddle, look, trim etc etc

Their product is very good - done two so far without trauma.

Be bold, West is your saviour if it doesn't go quite right....

Check out RV BITS
Their fairing fitted right out of the box! No kidding! Ready for paint.

I would use them again
Fasten the Cleveland fairings

Yes, bought how do you fasten the Cleveland fairings? Screws to platenuts? What location? Photos showing good ideas for where to install screws on a 7A are appreciated.
Their product is very good -

Dont see that their product is much different than doing the fairings the way described in the plans.

Wondering if anyone has a website that does a good job of documenting Fairings Etc. gear intersection installation that they could direct me to. I'm a 7A if possible. Thanks.

Hmmm, interesting that you should put this post up now, this very day I was fitting Fairings etc intersection fairings on an RV7. All I can say is that they are approximately the same shape as required. I have been trimming and filling, but have also been looking at the RV Bits fairings. The thing is, I was told the Fairings etc fairings required minimal work, but I can assure you that is incorrect. The RV Bits fairings also are said to require minimal/NO work to fit.
My question is, can I believe this??
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>The RV Bits fairings also are said to require minimal/NO work to fit.
My question is, can I believe this?? <

Answer: If you want a perfect tight fit, NO! Nobody can make a fiberglass fairing that fits everyones airplane perfectly. If you don't mind some gaps here and there, then maybe they could work without any extra input from the builder. If you want a nice tight custom fit, all fairings will require some work. I've use the Fairings Etc fairings and they were fairly close, but required some work to meet my goals. I've done the same with the Vans fairings, and even though they were grossly inacurate, making them look good wasn't that hard. All it takes is sand paper and stir sticks (and plenty of west system stuff). It doesn't take that much time either because most of the time spent is waiting for the epoxy to cure. If you don't like what you see, that's where some of that sand paper comes in. Grind it away and try again. Most of my fairings fit so tight you can't even get a finger nail under them - even the Vans loose interpretation of a fairing. All it takes is patience and imagination.
How to fasten the fairings

You guys keep talking about making the fairings. I'm asking about fastening them on the airplane after they are made. The Cleveland fairings do not come with any notes about that. Do Van's? I don't see any instructions or notes on the drawings that discuss how to fasten them to the airplane. Do you use 4 screws more or less? Is it okay to drill right into the fuselage? Etc, just asking to see photos of how others attached them.

You guys keep talking about making the fairings. I'm asking about fastening them on the airplane after they are made. The Cleveland fairings do not come with any notes about that. Do Van's? I don't see any instructions or notes on the drawings that discuss how to fasten them to the airplane. Do you use 4 screws more or less? Is it okay to drill right into the fuselage? Etc, just asking to see photos of how others attached them.


I used 4 #6 screws on mine (front, back and sides) with nutplates.
Like Walt, my upper gear leg intersection fairings are attached with #6 screws into nutplates. 3 in my case. The lower intersection fairings are glassed on to the wheel pant and therefore have no screws - like most RV8's. My tail intersection fairings are also attached with #6 screws into nut plates - 3 on each side of the VS, 2 in the back, 1 in the front, none in the vertical stab.
Someone or all might freak when I say this, but why not use Velcro? It's a not structural component which can be easily be affixed with high strength Velcro. No?
Someone or all might freak when I say this, but why not use Velcro? It's a not structural component which can be easily be affixed with high strength Velcro. No?

Oh, I've thought about it. Haven't given in to the temptation yet.

On a related note: As I asked in another thread, has anyone split the upper fairing (taildragger), like the lower is split on the pressure recovery pants? Motivation (for me) is being able to drop the bottom cowl without dropping the upper fairings.

(IIRC, my ancient -4 has screws in the front center and top/bottom rear. I think one side has an extra screw on the bottom; a sign that they probably didn't fit that well initially.)
