
Well Known Member
Fairings Etc. gap question-Couple Photo's added

To take into consideration the flex of the gear legs on a 7, how much of a gap do I need to leave between the fuselage fairing and the gear leg fairing? Also, how much of a gap do I need to leave between the gear leg fairing and wheel pant fairing?

I'm obviously thinking not much on the top, a little bit on the bottom but I'd like to be a little more precise than...."a little bit":cool:

Since I just might have got most of "take that you runway":eek: carrier landings out of the way in 49.2 hours, I figure I might as well put the wheel pants on her.
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Most don't leave any gap. They will shift around and wear on the leg fairings regardless. With some careful application of teflon tape on the inside of the fairings, you can reduce the amount of wear and tear as they slide around.
Useless Post

Dana, I have no idea what to tell you about the gap, but I am curious as to how the project is coming is along...

Dana, I have no idea what to tell you about the gap, but I am curious as to how the project is coming is along...


Hans, I'm finished with pretty all of the alum. rebuild. Now, I'm experiencing flashbacks to my plastic airplane building days and working with fiberglass. Time to have multiple things going on at the same time with an eye on drying times. something and wait 24 hours:(

From this:

To this about 15 minutes ago:


As you can see, she is starting to take on a little bit of color.......albeit black but a little bit of color. Geez, look at all that fiberglass dust!! I still cannot say enough about all the help I have received from VAF........send Doug a little "change".
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