
Well Known Member
These are Grove airfoiled gear on an RV-8. Due to the bend, there is some interference between them and the U-807 fairing bracket.

Can I get any advice on how others have dealt with this?

Do I bend the bracket, or cut it back? Any tips on how to not dislocate the end?

Chuck, I had exactly the same issue with the wheel pant brackets contacting my Grove gear. I trimmed the bracket to fit around the gear leg. The brackets are plenty stout, so a little trim didn't seem to hurt. To date, it has not caused any problems. See my kit log on 10-12-2013 for details. Keep up the good work.
I relieved the bracket, took photos and reviewed them with Van's Builder Support. They approved. See my kitlog on 11-19-2018 and after for details.
Much thanks

Gentleman, thanks for the quick helpful replies. I proceeded as you suggested, and they came out great.