
Well Known Member
I got a nasty-gram from Flight Safety with a nice 45 day notice and a PARP report that I can't really make sense of.

First, I know my ADS-B equipment is "not quite ready for new years." I'm using the G3X (non-WAAS) as the GPS source for an ADS-B out GTX 337R.

Here's the weird part... All 1521 reports of these values:

NIC - "Navigation Integrity Category"
NACv - "Navigation Accuracy Category for velocity"
SIL - "Source Integrity Level"
SDA - "System Design Assurance"

... all 1521 reports where "0" which is variously "unknown" or way out of limits.

NICp - "Navigation Accuracy Category for position"

... all 1521 reports came back as "10" or "<10m accuracy (WAAS)"

So, I plan to install a GPS 20A WAAS unit and see if this "fixes" it, but I can't really tell. Can anyone shed light on this, or done similar?


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1. The time has passed when you were allowed to fly with a system that doesn?t meet adsb specs. That?s the reason for the nasty gram.
2. All the red boxes are due to a gps that doesn?t meet the very tight adsb specs. I believe no non-waas box meets them.
3. Yes, installing and properly interfacing a gps which the manufacturer states meets adsb specs should make all the red go away.