RV7-A with FADEC System on TMX-360 Engine ...

A friend has a beautiful RV7A with FADEC System on TMX-360, electronic ignition and inverted oil / fuel system.

A local mechanic who does not understand FADEC systems or electronic ignition is telling him to remove it all and go back to a traditional 2-mag system, without the FADEC because these systems are no longer supported.

I think the mechanic is totally incorrect making these suggestions.

The only reason this mechanic is looking at the engine is because he helped with the install of a GRT Horizon EFIS. We are no longer receiving RPM or Manifold pressures because the old Chelton removed and the NEW GRT do not share the same probe / input connections to the GRT EFIS.

Thoughts please ... Vans Airforce to rescue PLEASE!

Thank you in advance.
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IIRC, there were a couple of different manufacturers of FADEC systems. The name of the manufacturer and model number should help.

Just because there is something new and maybe better out there is no need to remove an older anything that still works.

My guess is that you need a different manifold pressure transducer and RPM transducer or some technical data from the FADEC manufacturer on how to get data on those two items out of their electronic box. GRT has been in business a long time and may also be able to help with the way to get the signals out of the FADEC box.
How good is your google-fu? Search "aerosance" - that's the last commonly-available certified FADEC. I know one owner who is on his second airplane with this equipment installed and he absolutely loves it. Support, on the other hand, seems a might challenging.

WRT GRT tach wiring, there are many options available for picking up a tach signal. You may need to install a separate tach sensor, or you may go with wrapping a wire around an ignition lead. Talk to GRT tech support after you get a better handle on what's installed in the airplane.

BTW as a grey haired old mechanic, I can say with certainty the A&P who is making the "rip and replace" recommendation understands little about amateur-built airplanes and even less about modern digital engine control. It's a fear of the new that generally triggers such drastic recommendations.