
I'm New Here
Anyone how is building RV-8 and using Aerosance's FADEC?
I think we are the first ne in northern Europe, up here in Norway.
Would really like to here from you regarding wiring items and so on.


Hi Harald,

I'm the SI guy.... First point of call I would suggest is the AeroSance FADEC yahoo group - specific FADEC information etc there including 8 builders. There are a number of European based FADECs that I know of, Mark Castle-Smith (UK) and Rene/Aart (Netherlands) being two obvious ones.

Layout and wiring is a key element of the FADEC system - but once it is all working it is REAL smooth and pretty frugal with the fuel.....


Thanks Guy, I'll look into it.
I'm about 85-90% finished (i.e half way there..) with the bird, but I'm interested in checking out how other people has done it (the FADEC installation I mean).