
Boys and girls, young and old, allow me to present to you the current status/ground breaking of the factory floor. (Cellphone pics so not the best)





About me:

I recently got my PPL after about 6 years. (I started my freshman year of college but stopped at about 45 hours, long story but short version is my instructor went commercial so I would have to switch. Finally (after graduating college) I got my PPL a few weeks ago. I fly at KAND and have seen Team RV out there a lot and thought it was crazy that I could build (I hope) something like that. I am posting in the RV8 because well I love it, its beautiful and looks like a lot of fun! I have built many things with wood (many workbenches, bookshelves, nightstands, etc.) and am kinda nervous about working with sheet metal/fiberglass/etc. but think it would be an interesting challenge.

A little back story about the factory:

I own a truck that happens to be a hair too long to fit in my two car garage so what does any guy do in that case? He builds a man cave with a bar in his garage. I gradually added more and more and now have a foosball table in the middle. While all this is fun and enjoyable it isn't building a plane!

I have a few questions about the factory. I have several workbenches, up pretty high compared to the EAA workbench plans at about 40 inches. I plan to build 2 of the standard benches and place them where the foosball table is currently. Should I build two or just one and use the existing tables? Not really sure how much "low" bench space I need.

Also, I am wondering if anyone here is based or visits KAND regularly and wouldn't mind me grabbing a ride (I'm 6'2" and about 250lbs).

Overall after a little cleaning and getting things in order I hope this will be pumping out a RV8A (I think not sure about tailwheel vs. nosewheel but thats for a different post). I also plan to get some new lighting in there and some way to climate control that thing.

I actually am about to order the preview plans and look them over. I also want to pay for this thing with cash so I will not be starting immediately but will probably wait until early-mid next year to start the emp. kit after getting all the tools etc.

Well if you're still reading, thanks and great to be with yall. Let me know what you think.

Matt, welcome aboard! And congrats on the PPL!

Looking at the factory you currently have I would only build 1 bench and put wheels on it so you can move it around and stow it when not in use.

Those other 2 workbenches will be great for tools, etc...
Bench height

Depending on how tall you are, you may want to keep the bench height high. I see you are 6'2", so something like 38" -- 40" is about right. I find if I work at a bench that is a little too low, my lower back complains. Thats my excuse when my wife asks me to chop vegitables:rolleyes:
Seriously though, adding an inch of height can make a big difference in comfort. There are very few operations for which 40" would be too high - and most of those you would probably do fine to set on the floor.

There is also an advantage for having all the benches the same height, so that big things can span between benches and stay level.
I'm 6'3" as well... and I added a foot to the height of the EAA build tables. Trust me, you'll want it. Not only will it save your back from leaning over but you can store taller/bigger things on the lower shelves, or build more than one shelf.
thanks guys - good to be here.

I'll probably build the workbenches this weekend and will probably increase the height. Wasn't sure if there was a reason for them being lower.
My Workbench was ~33" high

In my younger days I was 6'2" (sigh), my work bench was about 1/4" short of 33" high and the surface was a 4'x8' sheet of particle board with a 6" high back board and a shelf 9" above the floor for storage. The frame is all 2"x4"s. During the build I did not hesitate to drill directly into the bench and cleco match drilled assemblies to it etc. It worked very well for me.

Bob Axsom
A whole foot? As in 12"?

I'm 6'3" as well... and I added a foot to the height of the EAA build tables. Trust me, you'll want it. Not only will it save your back from leaning over but you can store taller/bigger things on the lower shelves, or build more than one shelf.
Boys and girls, young and old, allow me to present to you the current status/ground breaking of the factory floor. (Cellphone pics so not the best)

[ I plan to build 2 of the standard benches and place them where the foosball table is currently. Should I build two or just one and use the existing tables? Not really sure how much "low" bench space I need.

Matt, Matt, Matt. NO. You will either have to figure a way to build around the foosball table or extend your garage. The other thing I've noticed is the lack of requisite model airplanes hanging from the walls and stuck in the corners.

Okay, that was too easy, sorry. I'm 6' and it seems my 36" workbenches are always too tall. Once I place the item, say an aileron or battery box, or heaven forbid a lawnmower on top, now it's raised even higher by the height of the object.

Welcome aboard.
Haha no worries the foosball table will find its new home... somewhere NOT getting rid of it!

Thats what I was thinking about having them a little lower.

It doesn't really matter how high the tables are if they fit you...that foos ball table if sold should help defray the costs of costruction. Once you start you won't go back...Welcome aboard

(Cellphone pics so not the best)

How many builders count a decent camera among their build tools?

Perhaps there should be a "Canon vs Nikon" thread alongside the tip-up vs slider and nosegear vs tailwheel threads :)

- mark
How many builders count a decent camera among their build tools?

Perhaps there should be a "Canon vs Nikon" thread alongside the tip-up vs slider and nosegear vs tailwheel threads :)

- mark

Haha no worries there! I have one of those... Canon for me btw
FoosBall Table has got to go! I know of a good home for it!:)
Good luck and welcome.
I would not have been able to bild my THREE RV 8s withiout this site!
Preview plans

The preview plans are in! And wow as a whole they look daunting... but as many people here have said just treating it as bunch of separate, smaller projects makes it easier to take in. I am still a good 4-12 months out of starting.

I've met a few local builders and checked out their progress. The hospitality and interest in answering my "pesky" newbie questions is beyond measure. Great job guys, I appreciate it.

Well a little more progress on my workshop - I have built two EAA workbenches. I built them a 3 inches higher than the plans call for just to get a little more back comfort. I plan to put them both on wheels soon.

My next purchase is some better lighting and an air compressor. But it might have to wait, as a snag has already showed up! My upstairs shower appears to be slowly leaking when someone is showering and its showing up in the laundry room downstairs - will have to investigate this further and I hope its not that hard to diagnose and fix/get fixed!

Have a good one guys.