Active Member
OK I have done this before. Not a first time builder or new to RVs. Very comfortable with sheet metal work.
But I have to say I am UNCOMFORTABLE with this level of fabrication. I received and inventoried RV-8 kit number 83301. I am done with the vertical stab and am starting work on the horizontal. The amount of fabrication required is not enough. I just pulled the parts to start on the horizontal and I started to fit them together. The only thing that has to be done to the skeleton is dress edges and deburr holes. The reinforcement bars need the ends rounded and that is it. I need more work. I have seen the strides that Vans has gone through from the early rv3 to the late 80's rv6, rv10, rv12, and several in between and after.
It is getting toooo easy to build these airplanes.

Now that I say that the the rest of this build is going to be really hard and I am going to regret what I said but I need more thinking and layout work. More challenge.

I know ,, I will save the challenge for the electrical system..

I should build an rv4.


I love this stuff

You had to gloat about clecoing your HS spar together in exactly 4 minutes when you remember that it took me 2 weeks to do the same. Thanks! Thanks alot!! It took you longer to dig the parts out of the pantry than it did to put them together. Is your kit too easy, or am I just too slow? :)eek: Don't answer that!)

If it's all that easy, I expect a Lindy on the mantel someday. ;)
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