
Well Known Member
Does anyone know the dimensions of the FAB where it attaches to the baffle inlet floor? Need to be sure I left enough room before fitting.
Judging by the various builder "experiences" of the FAB (I presume you mean the glassfibre snorkel?) I suspect they are each somewhat "unique" in shape and dimensions :eek: i.e. if you get one persons dimensions, yours might turn out to be different.

From our experience, I would not commit too far in the baffles in this area until you have the actual FAB you will use... and can then discover the delights of rebuilding it to fit your engine ;)

Andy Hill
RV-8 G-HILZ Website (under construction)
Just need the dimensions of the filter area, not the entire snorkel. I presume the filter is square or rectangular. How much area is needed in the baffle inlet floor? The baffle plans show this cut out but don't give any dimensions. If I pull the left side baffle wall in to the cowl opening will this leave enough room for the filter box? Fab has been ordered 2 weeks but email from Van's says delivery is set up for 1-8-2008. I've had extremely slow shipping from Van's throughout this project, probably an East Coast thing. Anyway these dimensions would reassure that I could rivet these parts and work on fitting the front ramps.
Thanks Rick and Andy,
I do know I will have to redo some of the snorkel. I have the angle valve 360 so my baffles are wider at the front and angle in much more than Rick's, Just want to be sure and leave enough area for the filter opening. Rick, can you measure the cut out in baffle floor? This is all the info I need.
Rick, can you measure the cut out in baffle floor? This is all the info I need.
The physical cutout in the ramp floor is 5-1/2" across. Lengthwise it is also 5-1\2" but the baffle it cut away on the forward side. The filter itself is 6"X6". Hope this helps.


You should also be aware that the filter mounting replaces the angle holding the left side baffle to the bottom ramp. Don't rivet this area until you get the snorkel or you will re-doing a lot of work.
