
Well Known Member
Just started the installation of the FAB VA-132 (I0-360) MIB, the snorkel does not fit flush to the FI opening because the top part of the snorkel hits the lower lug of the Skytec starter (lower left side as you are looking at the starter), it appears that this lug is redudent. Has anyone else come across this problem ? seems to me that the only answer is to trim the lug off but don't want to do that unless no alternative!

Cheers :)
If the snorkel hitting or touching the starter, you may need to reshape it slightly to create enough clearance between the two. One easy way is to heat the snorkel where it touches the starter with a heat gun and as it gets soft, just push it or reshape it to what it needs to be. It does not take much heat so be careful as not to burn it and then later on you can add a few layer of glass to that part if you think it needs the additional strength/thickness.

Good luck
Hi Martin,
I'm pretty sure I read in the Skytek documentation that it's ok to cut off unneeded mounting lugs that are in the way. I've not done it yet on mine (same setup as your's) but that's my plan (unless I hear advise to the contrary before I do it).

Hi Steve, I thought I'd seen it too but couldn't remember where, didn't want to chop it off in case it was needed later on down the line, the clearance is only small but makes the difference so Mehrdad's idea might not be a bad one, that said, once the snorkel is in position the lug is unusable anyway so chopping it off won't matter! :)
I ran into this same issue today, and thought I'd post the answer I found for anyone else who encounters this problem. The Sky-Tec install manual, item 9 states: "Bosses B, C & D may be trimmed off to within 1/8" of the starter case and discarded where required to clear other devices near the starter"

There's a link on ACS for the install manual.


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