Well Known Member
Anyone have a copy of the instructions/drawings they could send me for the FAB-360 air box? If so, please email me at [email protected]

I bought a kit from an individual and I don?t seem to have all the documents. I ran into this same issue with a baffle kit I bought. It was an old kit and quite a challenge as apparently some of these sub kits have evolved a great deal.

Thanks in advance.
Recommendation . .

Be sure to order the full digital plans from Vans on thumb drive. They include all the OP drawings too. Very helpful just to know what exists, no other place to know.

Be sure to order the full digital plans from Vans on thumb drive. They include all the OP drawings too. Very helpful just to know what exists, no other place to know.

Point taken. I have added this to my order list. I?m working firewall forward and I?m not sure I have all the OP drawings.

Thanks for the reply.