
Well Known Member
I don't have much to add to the forum but today I"m totally frustrated I live near the Oregon border and the closest DAR is on the Oregon side I'm on the Calif side. He has been trying to get permission to cross the border and check my finnished plane and they won't respond.
The last time I checked where I live I thought I lived IN the USA. I talked to Sacramento and they said that would be fine if a DAR came down and inspected the plane. Has anybody had this happen to them.:(
A Dar is a Dar. You can get any DAR (as long as they are qualified for your particular task) to go anywhere. I picked one up in Kansas & flew him into Nebraska to give an AW on an experimental sport plane a few years ago.
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Also - I don't know which FSDO you are dealing with, but I had a great response from the Oakland FSDO. They sent over a knowledgeable FAA employee who liked inspecting homebuilts. No dar needed in that case.
When Mel came down from the DFW area to do my inspection in Houston a couple of years ago, he had to get "permission" or clearance from the Houston FSDO to do so. Anyone that thinks that the FAA isn't a bunch of local fiefdoms is fooling themselves....

When Mel came down from the DFW area to do my inspection in Houston a couple of years ago, he had to get "permission" or clearance from the Houston FSDO to do so. Anyone that thinks that the FAA isn't a bunch of local fiefdoms is fooling themselves....


Roger that.

Yesterday, a sitting US Congressman said "We should fire everone in FAA management and start over, that the FAA organization is as close to corrupt as I have ever seen."

Of course the irony is a sitting US Congressman said it. :confused:
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Don't assume permission is a Gimme. Mel was denied by our FSDO to do our inspection. We were required to use someone in our district.
I don't have much to add to the forum but today I"m totally frustrated I live near the Oregon border and the closest DAR is on the Oregon side I'm on the Calif side. He has been trying to get permission to cross the border and check my finnished plane and they won't respond.
The last time I checked where I live I thought I lived IN the USA. I talked to Sacramento and they said that would be fine if a DAR came down and inspected the plane. Has anybody had this happen to them.:(

I live in the very SW corner of VT with an FSDO and FAA airworthiness inspectors at ALB in Albany NY about 45 minutes away. I'm told that being in New England my "local" FAA office is in Portland ME - a long way for FAA guys to travel. I hope to move the plane to my local flying club in near by Cambridge NY for final assembly, inspection and flight testing. Fingers crossed that the FAA Albany inspectors will treat me as a New Yorker. Otherwise I'll need a DAR for hire.

Jim Sharkey
RV6 - Wiring etc
Good luck getting a FAA employee to do an inspection. They just are too busy and tell you to use a DAR. We only have one DAR in southern Idaho and he is going to retire next year. The FISDO refuses to do any experimental inspections so after next year we're out of luck around here. They are all off doing real safety stuff like making sure all of the FBO's paperwork is in order.
Don't assume permission is a Gimme. Mel was denied by our FSDO to do our inspection. We were required to use someone in our district.
San Antonio is the only FSDO that has denied me permission. I have gone all over the U.S. This was discussed at our recurrent seminar a few weeks ago and we were told that a FSDO cannot deny permission unless it is because they want to do the inspection themselves, (not a local DAR).
The matter is being looked into.
DAR in Northern CA

There is a DAR who operates out of Lincoln, CA and is willing to travel. Expensive. His price might reflect travel time. I don't know.

If your interested I can get his name and number this weekend from someone who used him.

I was lucky enough to get the FAA to do mine. Had to give advance notice of 60-90 days.

I hope I didn't commit a 'social' boo-boo.
We have a DAR in our OVRV RV group.
I live in central Ohio and he lives in Michigan.
My building partner and I thought it was a
good idea to have a RV builder do our inspection.
He flew his RV down and did our inspection.

I have seen the local FAA inspector for my repairman
certificate and for other things since the inspection.
I don't remember him saying anything.

This is the first I've heard of needing permission.
Maybe our DAR called and took care of it.
San Antonio is the only FSDO that has denied me permission. I have gone all over the U.S. This was discussed at our recurrent seminar a few weeks ago and we were told that a FSDO cannot deny permission unless it is because they want to do the inspection themselves, (not a local DAR).
The matter is being looked into.

That is good to hear, because that was a real bummer. We were all set, spent X years building, and all the sudden had to deal with FSDO "turf wars" on the last day. Hey Mel, I'm doing another one. Do you want to try again in about 4 years :). We can test out the progress...
Well after getting a phone call from my DAR this morning and hearing that I might have to find someone else. He finally gets permission this afternoon that it is okay to do my inspection:) We both about gave up. Its hard to believe it would take so long.You would think that everything would be run the same way no matter where you live in the USA. But I guess thats not the case. I just can,t see someone driving six or seven hrs to do an inspection when there is someone an hr away. But it worked out anyway.
i guess i got real lucky i talked to the fort worth MIDO, they had me send them the paperwork and a week later a inspector came out and signed it off.

bob burns