
Well Known Member
For all you Skyview / Mode S / ADS-B folks out there -- from the FAA?s Safety Briefing Magazine:

Is Your Transponder ?On??

You may be accustomed to switching your transponder
to standby (STBY) mode while taxiing, but
with the changes to the Aeronautical Information
Manual (AIM) in 2012, the FAA now recommends
you activate your transponder prior to moving at an

The FAA updated AIM section 4-1-20, paragraph
3, to read as follows:
Civil and military transponders should be turned
to the ?on? or normal altitude reporting position
[ALT] prior to moving on the airport surface to
ensure the aircraft is visible to ATC surveillance
systems. In all cases, while in controlled airspace
each pilot operating an aircraft equipped with
an operable ATC transponder maintained in
accordance with 14 CFR section 91.413 must
operate the transponder, including Mode C if
installed, on the appropriate code or as assigned
by ATC. In Class G airspace, the transponder
should be operating while airborne unless otherwise
requested by ATC

Also of note is paragraph. 7, which states: ?Aircraft
equipped with ADS−B (1090 ES or UAT) must
operate the equipment in the transmit mode (on
position) at all times while on any airport surface.?
Pilots using aircraft equipped with modern
transponders, or those that have transponders
integrated with the navigation system, will need to
pay extra attention to transponder operations and
to what mode is selected. These systems often have
automatic features based on airspeed that control
the transponder settings. You?ll want to override or
reconfigure the settings to make sure the transponder
is in the ?on? or ALT setting while taxiing and not
in STBY mode.

To reference transponder operations in the AIM,
visit go.usa.gov/bhZJ.
I guess I can see the wisdom on that. I know when I'm downwind and the ZAON shows a target at -900, I do tend to be extra vigilant for aircraft on the runway or in runup zone. Nothing big, just a little reminder to keep an eye on his/her movement. I suppose it does the same thing when taxiing across multiple runways.
Auto mode - from the SV manual below - is nice to have because of this change.

AUTO (replaces GND, above): Available when the transponder is configured to automatically switch between ALT/GND automatically (see the SkyView System Installation Guide for details). When AUTO is selected, the transponder will automatically switch between ALT and GND modes - reflected in the transponder status in the top bar ? using a combination of GPS and air data changes.
The AIM update is to support increased efforts to mitigate the runway incursions that have been increasing of late. This way ATC can see your movements during the ground transitions on movement areas.

At least that is what they told us at KSLC.

It is a little annoying in the G1000 where it does auto switch from ALT to GND and Ground calls you up and tells you to "report altitude again until off taxiway."

So...at most Bravo destinations, select ALT and leave it there until shutdown was what I have heard/been told.

Basically...the TX/EFIS manufacturers should simply remove any STBY/GND/AUTO function and default to ALT. Any other mode requested by ATC would fall under the ON (NO MODE C)/OFF according to the AIM.
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