
Well Known Member
I just received a postcard today to take a FAA survey managed by the PA Consulting Group. It states that each year the FAA conducts a survey to calculate fleet size and hours flown by the GA community. They indicated I was randomly selected.
Anybody else receive this card?
I've owned various aircraft over the years but have never been selected to take the survey.

I guess I subscribe to the "I'm from the FAA and here to help" syndrome.
I'll take the survey to determine the proper slant.
I've gotten it several times and I can think of several benefits of FAA having some actual data.
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I also got one today. I seem to get one every year. This one is for my 9A that has only 10.7 hours on it. They used to come with a long form to fill out but now they are getting uptown. Guess i'll fill it out too.
Me Too!

I think I have received the paper survey before on other airplanes I've visits from black hoded storm troopers demanding my license!

Took the survey.
Uneventful, no paranoia.
I believe they were seeking valuable info on the current equipment status of today's AC.

I received a card on my North Star N46NS. I did the survey on line and tried to do one on The Borrowed Horse RV 6 N46RE, no luck, It would not recognise tne N #??
I guess the survey is "invitation only", and the "Horse" wasn't invited, and "shooter" out for jealousy between the two now Jaybird...;)