
Well Known Member
I'm at my wits end (that does not take much:cool:) I have been trying to register an aircraft since 12/7/07. The FAA now tells me I need to send them another check for $5 (I've sent the FAA 2 checks already, both were cashed) another ink signed bill of sale (I've sent the original to the FAA already) and my birth certificate so I can no longer have a birthday. (I'm kidding about the B-day:p)

I have registered over a dozen aircraft with no problems, but this plane is driving me to drink! :rolleyes:

What is a good way to cut through this BS?

Any other FAA Registration horror stories?
I sent mine in a month ago and I haven't heard boo! A friend sent his in for his -9 and they sent a request back for drawings of plane! Your tax dollars hard at work!

Contact EAA or AOPA for help, or your congressman, as it is an election year. There is something going on with the FAA that it not good (IMO) with the various carrier delays, "safety issues," and your problem. It looks as if they are heading toward getting their way with funding any dirty way they can.

A few years ago I was at lunch and some of the FAA guys I know came in and user fees came up. I like them but they were quite smug when they implied they thought that we should pay. I said that if we have to pay many of us would stop flying. That didn't faze them until I added, "If there are fewer of us there will be fewer of you!" They got a look on their face like they had never thought of it that way before.

They don?t seem to understand that ?every solution has its own set of problems!?
Play the Game....

What is a good way to cut through this BS?

Any other FAA Registration horror stories?

When I sent mine in the first time, it came back quickly saying that I needed to both PRINT and SIGN my name in the bottom block on the form. They admitted that this was not on the form anywhere, it was a new rule, and that everyone was missing it. I had, of course, only signed it. Now if common sense was allowed, the nice lady that I talked with in OKC would have just picked up a pen and printed my name (which was typed on the top of the form), no one would have ever known, and she would have saved the governemnt and me the cost of the 39 cent stamp each way. :mad:

But remember the rule:


So decide if you want to "win"(1)....or just get your airplane registered (2).

(1) If you want to "win", then run for congress, get elected, find a bunch of other congressmen with gripes against the beaurocracy, and see what you can do (but the FAA works for the president, so good luck....).:D

If you want to get your airplane registered:

(2) Do EXACTLY what they tell you to do, no matter how silly or stupid it sounds. Call them on the phone, be sweet to the ladies, say nice things, and use lots of "Yes Ma'ms".

Oh, and get a guy like Mel to tell you exactly what they want in the package this month......:rolleyes:

Bottom line, until you play their game, their're doomed ...;)


AOPA has a registration branch. Title Service 1 800 711 0087
I send my paper work to the AOPA office and they ck it and take it over to the FAA office. This is a good $90 to spend.
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Bottom line, until you play their game, their're doomed ...;)


Yea, I agree. I have run into the print & sign thing before too, pretty silly.

I have contacted my congressman and they are opening a case. The problem is the FAA is telling me the plane is grounded until the plane is registered. Not in my lifetime. I'll just keep filling out the Bill Of Sale forms which gives me 90 days! They did send me a 120 day extension letter, but that has since expired.

I have done exactly what they have asked, 3 times now. They lost the paperwork and cashed my $5 check twice.
Call one of the title companies in OKC like Insured Aircraft Title Service (800-654-4882) and let them handle it. They walk up to their desk and make things happen.
It is interesting how many different experiences people have. I filled out my registration paperwork just like the example in the EAA certification kit and I received my registration in less than 3 weeks. At the time I thought that the $13 for the kit was a waste of money, but after hearing these stories, I think it was money well spent.
Call one of the title companies in OKC like Insured Aircraft Title Service (800-654-4882) and let them handle it. They walk up to their desk and make things happen.

You are da man! First thing in the AM I'm calling!
That is a great idea. I did not even know they existed. Learn something knew everyday.
Back in January, it took 10 days to receive my registration. Just did exactly what they asked. Maybe the previous employee retired?
They are trying to change the fee from a one time $5.00 to $130.00 every three years. Maybe this is a transition plan. You keep sending checks for $5.00 until they get $130.00. :D
I used the EAA book and 3 weeks later I received my registration card last month. Funny thing, Marion Blakely must've signed a bunch of them before she retired.;)
I used the EAA kit and filled everything out exactly like the examples they send you. A week later I got a letter saying that I needed to properly fill out the registration form. It included a new registration form.

I called the phone number on the letter they sent and asked what I needed to do differently. The lady on the other end said I needed to print and sign. I informed her that I was looking at my pink copy and that I had printed and signed. Eventually she was able to hunt down my paperwork, see that everything was correct and pass it on to her supervisor for processing. I had my registration a week later.

What impressed me was that I talked to a live person, without pressing 1 for english or using any other automated system. I called the number, a person answered, and the same person solved my problem. I hope others have luck as good.
Call one of the title companies in OKC like Insured Aircraft Title Service (800-654-4882) and let them handle it. They walk up to their desk and make things happen.

I called the above number and Trish is on it like a hungry duck on a fat June bug. I faxed her all the info and she will walk over to FAA Registration and get things straightened out, including getting my $10 back. :mad:

Dhammer, you are Da man!
Well how about that!

After complaining to a US Congressman Ben Nelson, & Trish w/ Insurance Aircraft Title Service I get a call from the FAA. Seems they now have found the original bill of sale, my missing $10, and the registration is approved and will be in the mail on Monday. They had all the information and forms they needed as I had filled them out exactly as they requested. Seems I did everything right, they just misplaced it in the computer.

Yea right, blame the computer. Your tax $$$ at work.
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True to the FAA's word today I got my registration after a 5 month delay. They had everything they needed but a kick in the pants.

I got the EAA package. I had a question about registering as a corporation. Called FAA and got the answer. As Paul suggested I followed all instructions exactly.

This was less than 3 weeks ago. Reading these posts I got interested in checking the FAA web and look up my N number. WOW! I'm registered! Still waiting on the mail.

Just follow the instructions and always print what you sign.

True to the FAA's word today I got my registration after a 5 month delay. They had everything they needed but a kick in the pants.

I guess I lucked out, as my registration was listed as valid on the FAA website within 10 days of mailing. :D

I also, used the EAA "help" forms, to avoid guess work.

RV6A -- N328SL
Just checked my dates. I mailed on 4/10/08 and my certificate issue date is 4/18/08.

I registered my RV9A two years ago and encountered the same "print and sign" issue. Quickly solved with an exchange of a new registration application. Start to finish about a month.

I registered a Rotorway Helicopter six months ago. Did the "print and sign" having learned from my earlier experience. Had my registration in hand in 3 weeks.

Our EAA chapter put together a complete registration and certification checklist with document numbers and examples. I just went to the local FSDO office and collected everything on the list and followed the examples. No hangups, no problems ('cept the print and sign issue), pretty smooth experience.

I did have the FAA inspector who came to the FAA late in life tell me that there was an unspoken policy to create delay as a way to stimulate complaints which would help them argue for more funding.

I did have the FAA inspector who came to the FAA late in life tell me that there was an unspoken policy to create delay as a way to stimulate complaints which would help them argue for more funding.


Pretty typical of governmental bureaucracies, but in any event too true.
I did have the FAA inspector who came to the FAA late in life tell me that there was an unspoken policy to create delay as a way to stimulate complaints which would help them argue for more funding.

Anything is possible; but three out of four registration recent experiences in my neighborhood took place very quickly. The fourth had to be re-summited because of name changes different than the bill of sale. But even than transaction was handled efficiently.

L.Adamson --- RV6A
I sent my registration in on the 16th of this month and per the FAA web site my regisration was issued on the 23rd.

Checking the mail box.
Where is mine? They recieved it March 20 and cashed the check March 28.

Have you checked the FAA aircraft registration website to make sure the registration is now valid?

If it is, it can still take around three weeks to get the official paperwork in the mail. Sometimes sooner.

Everyday! .

Is it not posted as valid yet? :confused:

I said mine was less than 10 days, and someone else dated theirs the 10th, and it was valid on the 18th. Turns out mine had the same dates. But that was April. Perhaps March is the "delay for extra funding" month at previously mentioned. :D

L.Adamson --- RV6A