
Well Known Member
This doesn't mean anything, but I found it interesting: I recevied my LSA Repairman's certificate today - plastic with a halogram, and they also sent a plastic pilot's license replacing my old one, which was also a plastic one. the part I noted was that the certiciate number of the repairman's certificate was the same as the number of the pilot's license. hmmmm ....?
I had never bothered to look, but my Private Pilot License and my Airframe and Powerplant License have the same numbers as well. I knew they used to be the same back when they only used social security number, but did not realize they kept them the same in the later editions.
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I first noticed it when I changed my A&P and Instructors certificates from my SS number. They changed them to match my PP. I got my PP certificate before they started using the SS number.

That's interesting, I had mine changed back in 2004 from my SSN to a different number. Both were changed at the same time and I got both certificates in the mail at the same time, but my PPL and A&P are exactly one digit off. They are sequential and obviously assigned at the same time, but not the same number. HHMMM

Must be something new as it was not this way just a couple of years ago, my numbers are not even close. :)
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When I changed my Private to remove my ss number, they sent me a new one with a multi-engine rating along with my actual ratings. Cheapest rating I ever got! However several mos. later they sent me anther one that was correct w/o any input from me.
When I changed my Private to remove my ss number, they sent me a new one with a multi-engine rating along with my actual ratings. Cheapest rating I ever got! However several mos. later they sent me anther one that was correct w/o any input from me.

I had something similar as well, except mine was an IFR rating. You should have see the look on the face of the FAA gal when I asked her to remove the rating at OSH a few years ago.

She couldn't fathom why anyone would want a rating removed or that the FAA could have made such a mistake. I was concerned because I didn't want to give the insurance company any ammunition to deny a claim down the road.

Once I validated that the rating was removed, I went and took the test and the checkride and earned it the proper method.
