
Active Member
I have a friend (heh, heh) who was wondering if the FAA Medical office has access to medical records paid for by Medicare, or any other government office data sharing. Is this data sharing prohibited by law?
Sounds like he is trying to cover something up or hide something.

This is not something pilots need to be doing. It impacts the rest of us that are following the rules.

Bottom line is if he gets in an accident where he failed to mention something on his medical application that he thought would be kept a secret behind Medicare, guess what....Insurance won't pay a dime, he will lose his license, get a big fine, maybe even charged with fraud and the rest of us will have more rules to follow...

If he has something that he thinks might impact his medical, he needs to talk to one of the EAA's or AOPA's medical advisors to see if it will or won't (no risk associated with this) and if it will, go thru the special issuance process like many of us have to be legal.
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I have a friend (heh, heh) who was wondering if the FAA Medical office has access to medical records paid for by Medicare, or any other government office data sharing. Is this data sharing prohibited by law?

They are not supposed to have access but who really knows. Not too many years ago a DA in the Northwest ran a comparison of the local Social Security Disability recipients and the FAA medical database and stung about 20 pilots on disability. The Social Security Database was also supposed to be confidential.

So tell your friend to assume his medical info is public knowledge and take Brantel's advice.
FAA Medical

It is now more than simple disclosure or not. The Medical application form now has a question about whether you have any disability status, don't recall the exact wording but it is fairly new.

Mike B RV6 N918MB Phase I 28 hours
Also check out...

It is now more than simple disclosure or not. The Medical application form now has a question about whether you have any disability status, don't recall the exact wording but it is fairly new.

Mike B RV6 N918MB Phase I 28 hours

....item (k) in the FAA Medical Form Privacy Statement...

If you skipped out on Child Support payments, it looks like item (j) allows the FAA to report you to other Federal agencies...

...sorry I couldn't cut'n'paste it...