YellowJacket RV9

Well Known Member
Just wondering what orientation people used these bolts that run through the F904 rear center bulkhead and into the tops and bottoms of the F916 seat ribs. The plans view shows them with the bolt head aft, against the rib flange, however the note next to it states that it is acceptable for the bolt threads to bear against the rib flange, which would imply the opposite orientation. Also, I know that bolts generally are faced aft when possible, so this makes more sense. If there is any chance of bolt threads bearing on something, I'd rather have it be the rib flange, so I oriented them front to back. May be a little harder to set the rivets right belowthe nut, but not impossible. Anything I'm missing?

And while I'm thinking about it, same question goes for the bolts that attach the control column mounts to the bulkhead. I did mine as illustrated, with the bolt head on the mount, washer/nut on the bulkhead.


I ran all those bolts, the two in the rib flanges and the two for the control arms from aft to front. In other words I bolted everything too the f-704 bulkhead.
Edit: a quick search reminded me that 1 thread showing is the minimum so mine are okay. Looks as of others have had this question on these parts as well.

Thanks. I have also noticed now that I only have about 1 thread showing on these bolts after being torqued. It seems I could either switch to a -11 bolt size, or try a 10L thin washer. Seeing as these bolts run through the main spar bars, I'd like to have everything up to spec. Any input from the experts?

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I used longer hardware, since the bolts called out were too short. I put the nuts on the forward side of the bulkhead.
Thanks Bruce, I think I will probably order some longer bolts and do the same just for that warm and fuzzy feeling. Would hate to have a DAR tell me to change them later!

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Would hate to have a DAR tell me to change them later!

Which is exactly why I oriented the bolts such that the nuts are on the forward side. If you put the nuts on the back, once the fuselage is all together the bolts are stuck there for good. I suppose you could cut them in small pieces to remove.....
Which is exactly why I oriented the bolts such that the nuts are on the forward side. If you put the nuts on the back, once the fuselage is all together the bolts are stuck there for good. I suppose you could cut them in small pieces to remove.....

NOW it makes sense. Thanks!
