Well Known Member
F689 - Lock to lock travel ?

I got the elevator push rod in place ? Wondering about how much it has to move ?end to end? for me to get correct up and down elevator ? Without the tube hitting the rear spar cutout or the underside of the floor.

Now I have 2 ? lock to lock, movement of F689 ? Will that be enough ??
Seems reasonable but I never measured the total throw and would think that you can only know for certain once you install the elevators and attach the rear rod end bearing to the control horn and start adjustments as needed to achieve the proper up and down angles.
Seems reasonable but I never measured the total throw and would think that you can only know for certain once you install the elevators and attach the rear rod end bearing to the control horn and start adjustments as needed to achieve the proper up and down angles.

Thanks for your comment ? I have been away from the project for some time due to travelling this year ? I ?found? this old thread from earlier this year. http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=121254&page=6
Same problem that I have now - No space in my workshop too mount the tail .. Was hoping to get in the ball park with the fore and aft movement ? measuring the tube movement or the arc movement on the bellcrank should give a good indication of elevator up and down movement.
Hi Jan,

You can calculate this fairly easily to a pretty good accuracy by looking at the dimensions for the elevator control horns and knowing the amount (degrees) of up and down elevator throw you are targeting. I've done it on mine, troubleshooting the same issue you are dealing with, but don't have the paper handy at the moment. Colin P has also modeled the elevator controls in cad -he may have the data handy.
