Gregg Brightwell

Well Known Member
Ok guys, I have searched the forums and found one possible solution, but would like a little more of a consensus. The F419 rear deck has an obstacle. The 410 bulkhead (lower, 410A I believe) web sticks up about .75" above the longerons. It would appear that the easiest solution would be to bend the flange 90 degrees to catch the 419 deck, or just cut off the top .75". I have looked at the drawings over and over, to see if I can catch something I missed the last time I looked. No dice.

What did you guys do here, and why?

Trim it level with the longeron top surface

I think this anomaly dates from the time when F-410 and F-410-A were co-located.

Drawing 30 seemed to me to indicate that F410 had to end flush with the top of the longerons. There is a piece of 1"X1"X1/8" angle that runs across, carefully fettled to fit between the longerons and below the top flange, a 1/8" spacer to bring this crosspiece up level with the longeron top and then F-419 over the top of that assembly.
Before fitting these parts, check your HS for the distance from front of rear spar to the midpoint of the attach angle on the front spar in case you need a spacer on the front of F-410.
The conjunction of the cross piece and longerons is where the HS attaches - a place for careful measurement and drilling.
There's a recent post on what to do if the HS attach holes are too far inboard with a horrible example of how it looks when it all goes wrong. It's worth remembering tho, that that particular example flew 700 hours with lots of energetic aerobatics (Lomcovac anyone?!). But everything stayed attached!

Hope that all helps.

Thanks Chris....

... Thanks... Your suggestion is the path I was planning on taking, and in fact, now have taken.

I too, believe, that it was from a time when the 410 and 410A were co-located.

I'll watch my ED carefully. That recent post was scary.

Happy New Year!
