Well Known Member
Does anybody know what ever became of F1-Rocketboy ?


The link above used to take you to his rocket accessories. Not so much any more

In any case I have a speed control that worked like a champ for 15 years.

The flaps down position still works fine. However with flaps up the ray allen trim servo only buzzes, and does not move. Drop the flaps 1/2 inch and the same servo runs normal at the flaps down speed.

Does anybody have a pdf manual or otherwise for the F1-Rocketboy pitch trim control module? Firmware version 1.4

Is there a speed adjustment or is it a fixed crawl speed /low voltage rate for the flaps up position?

Thanks in advance for any help!
Hey Boss, you wouldn?t happen to have any documentation on Bob?s trim module would you? That?s what he is ultimately after.
I have the manual that Bob sent out with the trim control modules. I?m traveling this week but if you send me an email I can scan them and send them to you this weekend.

[email protected]
Send a set to me too

Danny - I?d better have a set of instructions too - just in case. Thanks!