
Well Known Member
Just reporting here as well on the official F1 site that after 3.4 years of building, #160 took to the air last Saturday. Smooth and straight, no flying issues, but I'm still working a high oil temp problem. What an airplane! Never flew one before, but my impression is that it is fast and maneuverable in the air but yet it's pretty much a pussycat to land. A wonderful combination!

My thanks to all who helped and to the guys who designed this thing too..you know who you are!

Way to go Lee!

You are going to fall in love with your F1 Rocket.

Here's a tip for ya'.............don't key up the mic and laugh at all of your RV8 buddies when you go blastin' by 'em.....they don't like it one bit :eek:......:D.
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Pictures! No pictures! If there aren't any pictures then it didn't happen! Still have the high temps? Dave and I will be there Friday evening.
Not far behind

Sweet! Way to go Shiloh. I should be flying again soon. Pulled off the Soob and bought an IO-360M1.

Congrats Lee! I remember when we chatted about the merits of the RV4 ten years ago! Now, Rocketeers...


PS: email me offline about the oil temp, I may be able to help:)
Thanks everyone! For someone who's had a fairly exciting life so far, I have to admit that this Rocket is not exactly a step backwards!! It flies beautifully and there is even some progress on the oil temperature front. We seem to have gotten rid of about 20 degrees with another 20 or so to go (that's my target, anyway). The next 3-4 steps are already planned out, but I'm certainly open for suggestions.

Hang in there Bosco, your turn is coming. You're going to love your IO-360 I'm betting.

Pierre: Where are you? Come on down; I was there all last weekend but I won't be around this weekend. My wife and I are headed for Indianapolis (on Delta...darn it!) for the U.S. MotoGP. We've got both a suite and pit passes---woowoo!

Sorry about no pix so far, lots of people were there but no one took any pix hardly and Flickr doesn't support the foremat that the ones who did used!

Thanks again to everyone who checked in!

Congrats Lee!!!!

Great news.... now we have to fly together!!!!

Fight's on at the merge!!!

Doug Rozendaal