
Well Known Member
Need manual advise please.
The manual says to check the F-902 bulkheads using a straight edge to verify the webs are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the fuse centerline.
Perpendicular which way?
What the heck are they talking about?
I can see measuring between them and ideally the measurement would be the same from top to bottom but I don't understand using a straight edge.
What do you use for a centerline reference?
Larry -

Here is my take on that portion when I completed it. I drew a rivet center line on the F-902 webs and used that to align it with the rivet line punched into the side skin. I had to flute that flange to get it aligned, straight and perpendicular with the centerline of the aircraft. For the centerline I used a measurement from the firewall to the top and bottom of the F-902. My reasoning is if F-902s are the same distance from the firewall and my rivet centerline is aligned with the prepunched holes; then they are perpendicular to the aircraft centerline because the firewall is perpendicular to the centerline.

Double check the F-7101 web fits appropriately. It has to rivet to the F-902 and along the centersection.

Hope that helps.
I puzzled over how, with a prepunched kit, you could have them in any way other than perpendicular to the fuse centerline. I checked to make sure they were parallel to each other and could find no axis in which they were not straight and perpendicular to the fuse skins or centerline.

Maybe the instructions were left over from the 6? I dunno.
It has been awhile since I worked on this part of the build, but I believe the F-902 are not punched.

So I guess if you weren't carefully you could run into an edge distance issue at the bottom where the reinforcing angle and the fuel tank attaching bracket are bolted through the F-902 flange.

At least that was my concern.